St. Andrew's Day

The name Andrew is very popular not only in Russia, but also in European countries. So, in Germany it is used in the form of Andreas, in England - Andrew, in France - Andre. What is the reason for this prevalence of this name? According to experts, the reason is that in ancient times very many martyrs, apostles and princes were called Andrew, as a result of which it became a certain symbol, emphasizing the connection with the famous grievances.

But the most famous of all Andrews was the angel Andrew the First-Called, famous for his desire to serve the Lord and purposefulness. During his life the apostle suffered a lot of suffering, persecution and torture. However, the power of faith helped him overcome all the trials and courageously accept death from the crucifixion. In view of this, the Russian Church approved the day of the angel Andrew on the date of December 13. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all of Andreyev's acquaintances on his name day, and also to guess on the future.

A bit of history

The Apostle Andrew was one of the followers of John the Baptist, and later of Jesus Christ. The name of the First-Called Apostle was due to the fact that he was the first to follow Jesus and was with Him during the whole time of His public ministry. Andrew the First-Called with four disciples stayed on the Mount of Olives, where God revealed the destinies of the world and ascended to Heaven.

After these events, the apostles decided which countries to visit for the preaching of the Gospel. Andrew got all the Black Sea coast, Scythia and part of the Balkan Peninsula, that is, the land on which Russia later formed. According to the Tradition, the apostle preached in the Crimea, and then along the Dnieper he reached the place where Kiev is now. He predicted that there would be a big city with many churches, and as a sign of blessing he planted a cross on the Kiev mountains.

At the end of his journey, Andrew the First-Called came to Greece , where he began to heal people from infirmities and glorify the name of Jesus. However, the local ruler Egeat did not believe his speeches and sentenced the crucifixion of the apostle on the X-shaped cross. But even hanging on the cross, Andrew continued his prayers until the Lord took him to the Kingdom of God.

Later, the Russian Church recognized itself as the successor to the teachings of Andrew, and Peter I even instituted the highest order in honor of the famous apostle. How to celebrate the name day on Angel's Day

If you have an acquaintance with this name, it is advisable to present him with a small symbolic gift, or congratulate him on SMS. In addition, do not forget to make a traditional fortune-telling on your betrothed and your destiny.