Alycha - useful properties

For sure, many of us know such a fruit as cherry plum. We cook from these small yellow and fragrant fruits delicious compotes, jam, rich jams, jelly and other goodies.

The homeland of cherry plum is considered to be Transcaucasia, where it is called "tkemali" or cherry, and is still used to make one of the most popular sauces in the world. Despite the excellent taste, for quite a long time people were interested in the question, whether plum is useful. In fact, the fruits of cherry have many healing properties. We will tell you about them right now.

The benefits of cherry plums for human health

One of the main advantages of tkemali is a small amount of sugars in the flesh, which makes it possible to use cherry plum in diabetes, impaired metabolism and obesity. In addition, this product contains only 34 calories per 100 g of fruit, which makes it suitable for dietary nutrition when losing weight.

Useful properties of a cherry plum are also included in a large set of substances necessary for our body - vitamins of group B, vitamin E, PP, provitamin A. In addition, cherry plum is considered to be a deposit of ascorbic acid. It also contains a lot of minerals: K, Mg, Ca, N, Fe, P, due to which, cherry plum brings benefits to children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. Because of the high content of vitamins C and A, the yellow plum is the most powerful antioxidant in the fight against aging. It helps to improve the condition of the skin and protect the body from the influence of the external negative factors.

Yellow fruits contain a considerable amount of apple and citric organic acids. Therefore, compotes and decoctions of a plum well help with gastritis with low acidity, improving appetite and establishing digestive processes in the body. Many people are interested in the question as to whether it supports or not. Like all other plums, it gives a laxative effect, so if you have constipation, you can safely use cherry. In addition, having a rich supply of fiber and pectin, cherry plum helps the body get rid of radionuclides and other harmful substances.

Also, the useful properties of cherry plums are also included in the anti-cold diaphoretic effect. Arachi juice helps with coughing, and is an ideal thirsting agent. Fresh fruits are recommended for use in the prevention of diseases such as: scurvy and night blindness. Even flowers tkemali serve as a healing drug for diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines and the male genitourinary system. One of the most useful properties of cherry plum is the ability to strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle and prevent arrhythmia. All this is due to the high content of potassium in the pulp pulp. It also has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, helps to calm down and relax. In folk medicine, even there is a recipe how to improve the condition with increased pressure. You need all at all to eat 200 g of fruit and will become easier after 40-50 minutes.

Useful properties in cherry plaice and have bones. We used to throw them away, although in fact this product is a wonderful source of fatty oil, which in its healing properties is very similar to almond oil. It is usually used in the perfume industry and is taken as a basis in the manufacture of medical soap. And from the Tkemali shell, mankind has learned to make activated carbon .


We have already told all about the benefits of cherry plum for humans, now we turn to its negative properties. Among them there is nothing that could seriously damage health. However, it is worthwhile to refrain from using cherries for those who suffer from stomach diseases, including ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and other diseases caused by increased secretion of gastric juice.