Than to treat thrush during pregnancy?

Thrush is one of the most "annoying" female diseases that can occur regardless of age, life habits or status. But most often it is diagnosed when the woman finds out that soon becomes a mother. That's when the problem arises as to how to treat thrush during pregnancy, because the problem is urgent, and the choice of drugs that are not safe for the baby is small.

Just need to warn that to engage in self-healing in this case is not at all relevant, whatever the forums, best friends and even native people would have claimed. This is not the case when you can choose funds from thrush during pregnancy on your own, ignoring medical instructions. It is your gynecologist who should prescribe a suitable course of treatment, which will be based entirely on the degree of thrush weight, general health at the time of treatment, and how the illness is going on in general.

Why is it necessary to select safe treatment for thrush during pregnancy?

Candidiasis during gestation can very quickly move from a hidden, asymptomatic form to a complex and difficult-to-eradicate disease. Fungus, which is the main provoker of pathology, is able to go even to the organs of a child in the uterus. Often from his attack, the umbilical cord, mucous membranes and skin of the fetus suffer. Infection of the baby can equally occur in the mother's womb, and in the process of resolving the burden. The lack of necessary treatment can be fatal for the child.

Medications for thrush during pregnancy

To eliminate candidiasis, there are both systemic and local drugs. The first, as a rule, are taken orally and, getting into the intestines and the circulatory system, have a harmful effect on the colony of fungi. However, systemic drugs for thrush during pregnancy are rarely prescribed, as the level of their toxicity and the presence of side effects are extremely dangerous for the fetus.

The milkwoman during pregnancy can be treated with medicines of the local spectrum of influence, that is, with various ointments, creams, vaginal suppositories or tablets. If the disease is established at the initial stages of gestation, then weak drugs are selected that have the least toxic effect. This entails the need to undergo a second course of treatment at a later date.

So, for example, candles Nystatin from a milkwoman at pregnancy are quite effective already after the third month of bearing. And before the birth you can use such medications as: Cyclopyrox, Clotrimazole, Natamycin and many others, the dosage of which should be determined only by the doctor.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy with folk remedies

All recipes that promise to rid of candidiasis with the help of gifts of nature, can only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but not eradicate it. Therefore, they should be used in conjunction with pills from thrush during pregnancy or other forms of such drugs. However, it is possible that a gynecologist can advise and non-traditional ways how to cure thrush during pregnancy, such as:

  1. Washing of the external genitalia with infusions from marigold, chamomile or oak bark.
  2. A popular method remains treatment of thrush with soda during pregnancy, when a woman needs to sit in a container with warm water, in which iodine, salt and soda are dissolved, about 20 minutes.
  3. Smearing of the sex organs with a solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin ( borax in glycerin ) and much more.

Very cautiously it is necessary to concern to a various sort syringing at pregnancy from a thrush and to the use of broth from grasses and roots. Abuse of folk methods of treatment of candidiasis may well end tragically for your baby.