Bactroban analogues

Individual intolerance to certain antibiotics, including the main component of Bactroban, mupirocin, is characteristic of people prone to allergic reactions. In such cases, it is necessary to replace the prescribed drug with another ointment with an identical mechanism of action. It turned out that it is not so easy to replace Bactroban - the analogs of the medicine are few, and its generics do not always have the same high efficiency.

Analogues of external ointment Bactroban

Direct analogs of the drug in question can be considered the following ointments:

These preparations are based on the same active ingredient as Bactroban-Mupirocine. In addition, the concentration of antibiotic (2%), the basic composition, including auxiliary chemical compounds, coincides.

Also for external antimicrobial treatment of skin, synonyms and generics of Bactroban, close to this ointment by the mechanism of oppression of pathogenic microorganisms and elimination of inflammatory processes, can be used. They are based on other antibiotics with a wide range of activities:

1. Levomycetin:

2. Gentamicin:

3. Retamapulin. Antibiotic is presented in antimicrobial ointment Altargo.

4. Fusidic acid:

5. Bacitracin:

6. Thyrotricin. The ointment is called Tirozur.

7. Synthomycin in the form of liniment.

Generics or indirect analogues of Bactroban are cheaper than the original local medication, but no less effective, so they are more popular in dermatological practice.

Before replacing the medication, it is necessary to conduct a test for sensitivity to the active components, get a detailed consultation of the doctor and recommendations on the scheme, the duration of the therapeutic course.

Analogues of nasal ointment Bactroban

As for the specific form of the release of Bactroban intended for intranasal administration, it is more difficult to replace it.

With bacterial lesions of the nasal passages and cavities, only two direct analogues of the ointment can be used:

But this is not always possible and appropriate. The cost of both substitutes for the ointment in question is about 3.5-4 times higher than that of Bactroban.