Breed of dogs

The rescue dog-rescuer thanks to his mental and physical qualities is considered an indispensable assistant in saving human lives on the water. And a unique combination of strength and plasticity, an intimidating kind and good-natured disposition, high intelligence and exceptional memory brought this breed worldwide recognition.

Dog Diver - Characteristic

Diver, or Newfoundland - a large, hardy and moving dog, whose average weight reaches 55-70kg. The head of the dog is very large. Muzzle square, short. The ears are hanging. The tail is of medium length. The diver's hair is long and smooth, it feels stiff and feels like oily, so it never gets wet.

Dog diver is a character

Newfoundland has a beautiful character that will never appear boredom, anger or stupidity, which is typical of American breeds. The diver combines such qualities as courage and reason, wit and caress. Aware of its strength, the dog behaves proudly and calmly. This breed is perfectly oriented in the circumstances, and always knows when to show teeth.

Diver dog food

Nutrition of such a large dog as a diver must be full. The dog should eat enough meat daily (40-50%), have constant access to fresh water. When designing a diet, do not forget to take into account the age of the pet. Puppies should eat food saturated with vitamins and minerals. This will determine the health and beauty of the dog in the future.

To ensure that the dog has grown healthy, carefully select the feed. Feed the dog twice a day. Until your teeth change, do not give her solid bones. Feed Newfoundland with vitamin and mineral complexes (vitamins of group A, B, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).