How to teach a kitten to the toilet?

A small, fluffy kitten, whom we bring into the house, from the first minute become the favorite of the whole family. He offers the best tidbits and every minute of free time. But sometimes we do not understand why the kitten does not go to the toilet in the place we took for it. When this is often repeated, we get angry and begin to blame this completely defenseless being, although he, if you understand, is not to blame for anything.

How to teach a kitten to go to the toilet?

We forget that the baby who got into our house suffered a double stress. First, he was taken away from his mother, and secondly, he suffered a relocation and a change in the situation. Cats by their nature are very clean, and when babies are born, the cat's mother shows each kitten how to go to the toilet. For this reason, it is not recommended to take the kittens away from their mother until they are two months old.

If we have difficulties, and we think about how to teach a kitten to the toilet , first of all, you need to have patience and, in no case, poke your baby's nose, otherwise you can not avoid troubles in the future. Cats are vindictive, they can remember a minute for a long time, when they were humiliated, and in the future they will simply revenge us.

The cat will never go to the toilet in a conspicuous place. Therefore, from the first minute of stay in the house, we select a place for the toilet, secluded, away from the outside eye. If you live in an apartment, the toilet for the kitten can be placed in the bathroom or in the toilet. Those who live in a private home, know that a cat accustomed to going to the toilet on the street, will rarely do it indoors.

In the space reserved for the toilet, it is necessary to put the tray and pick up the filler. When selecting a tray, one rule should be taken into account, it must be stable and spacious, so that the kitten can be scraped with paws. For this, it is recommended to lay a mat under the trays, and it is better to buy a plastic tray. Plastic, unlike wood, it is good to process, besides it does not absorb smells, to which cats are so sensitive. For a kitten it is desirable to pick up a special tray with low sides, in which it would be convenient for him to jump.

If we watch kittens, we will notice that most often they go to the toilet after eating. Therefore, when we think how to accustom the kitten to the toilet, you need to take this moment into account. And, if you saw that the baby after the meal is looking for a secluded place, you need to bring it to the tray one time, in which he would smell the necessary smell.

Since his kitty kits the toilet by special, in the trays you can put a couple of filler granules from the tray, in which he walked earlier or pour a little bit of earth, the smell of which also likes the cat family. It is better not to put a newspaper and sand in the trays. From the point of view of sanitation it is unhygienic and very uncomfortable for a kitten. Manufacturers, fortunately, offer a huge selection of fillers.

How to choose a filler for the toilet?

For the kitten, the best option is to purchase a filler that contains natural ingredients. They produce, for example, fillers from treated clay, which are absolutely safe for the body, even when they are eaten. Kittens also like clumping fillers. In addition, there are still absorbent, silica gel, in the form of granules, mineral and wood fillers.

Although you will have to pay money for the filler, after a while you will see that it justifies itself. It does not need to be changed every time, if you do not take into account that there are exceptions to the rules (after all, kittens are born different).

When you accustom a kitten to the toilet, do not use disinfectants with a strong odor. They can scare him off just like the unchanged granules.

Stock up with patience, love, be attentive to your fluffy baby, and, you will definitely succeed.