Corporate clothes

Many people mistakenly equate the two concepts of "corporate style of clothing" and " business style of clothing ." It is necessary to understand that corporate style as a concept is much broader. There are several unspoken rules for creating a corporate image and style of clothing for employees. The most striking example of corporate clothing can be called the uniform of the armed forces of the country. On one form only one can know the rank of a military man, his form looks very aesthetic. It is convenient for wearing in any conditions, and is different for different types of troops. The rules of socks of corporate style of clothing are in many ways equated to the rules of wearing military uniforms.

Importance of dress code

Corporate clothing for employees is not necessarily a business dress or uniform. It should positively influence the image of the company and make employees understand that they are part of the same team. At the same time not all employees should look the same, unless it is a matter of service personnel.

The attitude towards the employees of a particular firm, most often, is directly related to their appearance. If the employee of the company you are interested in comes to a meeting in a dirty shirt or a ragged uniform, but with the symbols of his company - only the appearance of this person can negatively affect your attitude towards the company as a whole.

Every serious company has its own corporate uniform. In some companies, the dress code is clearly stipulated in the contract points, in others - it is unofficial. This clothing should be comfortable and not create discomfort when driving.

Restraint combined with fashion - this is the main feature that must be present in the form of each company. Every year the business style of clothing includes a combination of bright colors. Some variants of world manufacturers of brand clothes can easily become a full-fledged part of corporate clothes for the office. For example, for women, bright-colored clothing may look unseemly or defiant, but if you add bright accessories or spectacular shoes to a neutral-colored suit, this image has the right to exist as part of corporate women's clothing. If, according to your company's dress code , it is unacceptable to wear bright clothes, then you can focus on the print of the fabric. For example, a classic strip, rhombus or cage on a suit can make your image in the office fresh, but will not allow you to go beyond decorum according to the etiquette of an office employee.

Corporate Form

The uniform in general corporate style should first of all talk about the professionalism of all employees. Both men and women at work should not look too tempting. The more reserved and calmer the suit, the better.

Elements of corporate culture - a system of spiritual and material values, manifestations that interact with each other. They are inherent in a certain company and reflect its individuality. The suit should not strongly adjoin to a body and especially to tighten it. For lovers of bright colors in clothes, it's better to focus on accessories, but it's worth remembering that they should speak, and not scream. No matter how strict the dress code is in the company, you should always try to look the best. Depending on the company in which you work, the addiction to clothing can often depend. For example, there are organizations where jeans and sneakers are quite familiar style of clothes and vice versa - in other companies it is allowed to wear only overalls. If you are looking for a job, you need to pay attention not only to the specifics of the work, but also it would be advisable to inquire about the features of corporate clothing at the enterprise of interest to you.