Wheat porridge - good and bad

The most common food in ancient times was wheat porridge, it stood on tables and on holidays, and on weekdays, and from ordinary people, and from the rich. Today, as in those distant times, wheat is very popular, the taste of cereal from this cereal is familiar to everyone, perhaps from childhood, but today we will talk about what is the use of wheat porridge for the organism and what harm it can cause .

Benefits and harm of wheat porridge

Like any porridge, wheat is prepared either on water or on milk, it all depends on personal preferences and, of course, on whether you are on a diet or can afford more caloric food. Certainly, wheat porridge, cooked on water, is a more dietary dish, but the benefits of such a porridge are as much as that cooked on milk. Although, if dairy products cause you an allergy, of course, porridge on the water will be more useful. So, now more in detail, about what is useful this dish:

  1. It makes digestion. Helps cope with constipation and intestinal dysbiosis.
  2. "Relieves" the body of toxins, radicals and toxins.
  3. Restores fat metabolism in cells.
  4. Positively affects the health of blood vessels and capillaries.
  5. Strengthens hair and bones.
  6. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, helping to cope with the stressful state and mood swings .
  7. Biotin, which is rich in this porridge, helps to remove pain in the muscles and relieves them of fatigue.
  8. Improves visual acuity, relieves tension from the eyes.
  9. Thanks to vitamin E improves skin condition.
  10. Improves immunity and gives strength.
  11. Reduces the level of glucose, so people with diabetes, doctors recommend eating such porridge daily, and preferably in the morning.
  12. Recommended for use after prolonged treatment with antibiotics, wheat porridge promotes the fastest elimination of "remnants" of drugs and toxins from the body.
  13. It is an excellent preventive medicine for heart and vascular diseases.
  14. Wheat porridge is able to regulate the pressure.
  15. Promotes a fairly rapid healing of wounds, t. "Accelerates" blood coagulability.
  16. Being a low-calorie, but satisfying product, wheat porridge is perfect for a diet of people, overweight and those who "sit" on a diet.

Despite all the benefits, wheat porridge can cause significant harm to the body, and it does not matter whether it is cooked on water or on milk, and this should be known:

  1. Worsens the condition of a person who has gastritis , t. porridge affects the acidity of the stomach.
  2. If a man enjoys a wheat porridge, then in time he may have problems with potency.
  3. You can not use wheat cereal for people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance).
  4. It is not recommended porridge and for use in the postoperative period.

Benefits of wheat porridge for pregnant women

Specialists recommend future mothers to introduce wheat porridge into their diet, because this dish, if, of course, they do not abuse, can be of great benefit to a pregnant woman and her future baby:

  1. Thanks to the presence of vitamin E, porridge has a positive effect on the normal course of pregnancy.
  2. B vitamins help to establish the functioning of the body's basic systems.
  3. Helps cope with constipation, which is a very common problem for pregnant women.
  4. Relieves fatigue from the muscles and physical "tension", helps to relax.
  5. Saturates the body with the basic nutrients necessary for the full development of the fetus.