Jack Russell Terrier: character

If you want to find a "little perpetual motion machine", then this breed is ideal for you. Initially, she was taken out to hunt for a fox, the dog is very fast and agile. It's a little crazy animal, but only in a good sense of the word.

Jack Russell Terrier: Characteristics

This little motor is an excellent friend and companion for children. Every day you have to spend about an hour on a walk. This is the minimum that the dog needs to run through. Dog is an excellent companion, a hunter and a devoted friend.

The Jack Russell Terrier has an inexhaustible supply of energy, this must be taken into account if you are used to keeping a calm and measured lifestyle. At the same time, the dog is always in a good mood, loves and knows how to work, perfectly lends itself to training and sincerely loves his masters.

Jack Russell Terrier training

Mobility and activity is fine, but do not forget that the dog is a hunter by nature. So you will have to develop and guide these skills in a peaceful way. To begin education of the pupil is better as soon as possible. To begin with, it is necessary to clearly understand the character of the Jack-Russel Terrier breed and the psychology of its upbringing:

Jack Russell terrier training: stages of working with an animal

The first thing a dog needs to learn is his place. When your puppy falls asleep in the middle of the apartment, you need to give the command "Place!" and carry it to the litter. The voice must be strict. This command should be given and those cases when the pet is clearly interfering with any business. Remember that a dog that does not know this command will be difficult even for a minute to leave unattended in the street.

The second stage of education is the study of the team "Fu!". Every time a pet takes food or other objects in the mouth on the street, it is necessary to give the command and pull out the find from the mouth. This also applies to the damage to the house. If the dog refuses to let go subject, you can gently slap him on the muzzle. But you can not abuse the ban all the time, only use it when necessary.

In the character of the jack russel terrier, obedience and tracking of various regularities are laid. For example, the study of the command "Sit!" you can start with a treat. You call the dog and raise a bit of tasty over his head, say the command "Sit!". The dog will raise his head and sit down for convenience. You need to say "OK" in a calm voice. After a while, the pet will obey the team without any goodies. Thus, the dog is taught to other teams. The most important thing is a calm tone and a clear sequence.