Fashion for women over 40

Whatever one may say, the years take their toll. And it would not be reasonable to believe that a woman at 40 can look at 20. And not because a miracle cream is just a marketing move, or you've got a bad plastic surgeon. No. It's quite another matter - a woman of Balzac's age is more interesting. She is balanced, self-assured. This is a person, wise and experienced, who has her own style and taste preferences. For a 40-year-old woman there is no such thing as a "generally accepted fashion", there are only certain trends that can be taken into account when forming a wardrobe. In addition, most designers focus their creations mainly on young women of the beautiful half. But, nevertheless, some features of fashion are quite suitable for those women who are over 40.

Fashion 2014 for 40 year old women

A true and win-win solution for a woman of Balzac's age is a classic. Classic cut and color palette of clothing, makeup, hair, jewelry and accessories in 2014 at the height of fashion, and also ideal for forty-year-old women.

Without any fears to look ridiculous, a lady at this age can wear a pencil skirt, straight trousers, strict blouses. But it's worth remembering that if it's a skirt, then it's long at the level of the knees, it can be a little higher or lower, but within reasonable limits, and taking into account the features of the figure. When choosing trousers, it is also not advisable to forget about the type of figure and the possible age changes (a couple of extra centimeters on the waist and hips are certainly forgivable, but it's not worth it to show them off).

Next, let's talk about the color scheme. This year in vogue bright colors, which will be no less beneficial solution for women after 40 years. Again bright, does not mean "acid-screaming", leave this palette for the youth. A diversified wardrobe of mature ladies can, for example, with a blouse color plum, red wine, raspberry, green apple, eggplant. Although in general, the clothes of 40 year old women should be predominantly pastel shades or black, white, dark blue.

Jeans do not go out of fashion, and in 2014, without a doubt, are on the list of basic things for 40 year old women. Classic models, without different inserts and rhinestones, combined with feminine tops - a great alternative for walking, shopping and other everyday activities.

Fashion for women of forty in 2014 is not distinguished by its eccentricity and pretentiousness, it is rather a traditional understanding of femininity and elegance that exists beyond time.