Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen

Cryotherapy is a procedure during which the body is exposed to cold with the help of chilled air or nitrogen - an inert gas. It would seem, what good can be from liquid nitrogen: only additional stress for the organism, which is already around enough, without such procedures.

But the word "stress" is the key to the solution: by acting purposefully, liquid nitrogen can actually cause a rapid regeneration of cells due to freezing, as there is a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels, and then their intensive expansion along with the tide of blood to the site of exposure. Also with the help of liquid nitrogen it is possible to cause tissue death, but another method is used for this.

Cryotherapy - contraindications

Before deciding to conduct a similar procedure, you need to consider that it is contraindicated:

Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to do a general examination of the body.

Cryotherapy - indications

Indications for cryotherapy are much more extensive than contraindications, and they primarily depend on what area and what method it will be applied.

So, local cryotherapy in cosmetology is used to get rid of scars and scars, as well as to restore hair growth in baldness. It also helps to get rid of warts and papillomas, when there is a cold cauterization (in this case, cryotherapy kills tissues).

In medicine, cryotherapy is used as a method of healing and healing: for example, many women with gynecological problems have been helped by procedures with liquid nitrogen to restore reproductive function, and cryotherapy has helped people to return their breathing with their noses to people who are constantly suffering from rhinitis.

This does not end the possibility of treatment and recovery with liquid nitrogen. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of cryotherapy, depending on the area of ​​its application.

General or local cryotherapy?

The procedure for cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is classified at the place of application: if the impact is on a specific part of the body, then this is a local cryotherapy, and if the whole body, then it is called the general.

General cryotherapy is widely used in cosmetology:

To get rid of excess weight and cellulite. Cryotherapy for weight loss is applied with the help of an effect on the whole body: a person enters the special chamber for several minutes, and at this time the skin is cooled to the extent that the vessels narrowed, but tissue was not damaged either. Then the vessels dilate, blood flows to the skin, and as a result, not only fats are burned and cellulite disappears, but edema is eliminated and trophic tissue improves.

General cryotherapy significantly extends the adaptive abilities of the body for up to six months.

Local cryotherapy is often used in medicine:

  1. Cryotherapy in dermatology. In this area, the doctor prescribes a local exposure to liquid nitrogen to get rid of scars, scars, acne, moles, papillomas and also to resume hair growth.
  2. Cryotherapy in gynecology. Gynecologists use local cryotherapy in the treatment of cervical dysplasia of three degrees.
  3. Treatment of ENT diseases. The doctor ENT also uses cryotherapy: liquid nitrogen helps people get rid of snoring, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, adenoids and other neoplasms in the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx.

Cryotherapy in the home

Working at home with liquid nitrogen is not recommended, but you can use the application cold method: it is enough to put ice on the place of redness (for example, from acne) and the trail will soon disappear. Use ice at home regularly in large areas (for example, washing with ice) should not not "chill" the nerve.

Consequences of cryotherapy

Most often, treatment with liquid nitrogen leaves only a positive effect, but, nevertheless, in some cases there are complications after cryotherapy: