Giardiasis - treatment

Giardiasis is a disease manifested by the spread of lamblia. These parasites live in the intestine, although they can not be the causes of disruption of the liver and bile ducts. The source of the disease can be a person infected earlier. Also, frequent ingestion of lake or river water during bathing contributes to infection. Often, lamblia parasites can persist in food, in particular in fresh fish. This way of infection is the most common and is found more often than others.

Methods for treating Giardiasis

If lambliasis progresses as a chronic disease, then the use of various antiparasitic drugs can only aggravate recovery. In the process of a large amount of lamblia death, harmful substances that poison and provoke other infectious diseases will be released into the body. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in a complex, in several stages. This is a kind of scheme of basic and auxiliary drugs that act directly on the destruction of parasites and the cause of their occurrence.

Scheme of treatment of Giardiasis

  1. Initially, it is necessary to completely eliminate toxicosis and improve the enzymatic activity of the digestive tract. It is important to observe a diet in the treatment of Giardiasis. In the diet should be present especially porridges, vegetables, vegetable oils and fruits. It is forbidden to eat all kinds of sweets, meat products, dairy products and all types of carbohydrates.
  2. The doctor prescribes taking medications that cause maximum production and excretion of bile.
  3. It is also recommended to take special enzymes that improve digestion.
  4. The patient regularly takes medication for direct destruction of parasites. It can be Furazolidone, Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Tiberal and others.
  5. And as an increase in immunity it is recommended to take preparations of vitamin composition that favorably affect the intestinal microflora and the body's work in general.

Treatment of giardiasis with folk remedies

As it was said above, one medicine can not overcome giardiasis, so we paid attention to the complex solution of this problem. As an auxiliary therapy you can take folk methods of treatment. These are special diets and a minimum of provoking products for spreading the disease.

Chronic giardiasis - treatment of garlic

  1. For cooking, take 250 grams of peeled garlic and grate it on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting gruel should be filled with a liter of water and insist for 10 days.
  3. Carefully strained tincture for adults is recommended to take a tablespoon three times a day, and children at the rate of one drop per year of life. That is, a five-year-old child needs to take five drops of garlic infusion three times a day.

Honey with plantain against Giardiasis

  1. Pass the fresh leaves of the plantain through a meat grinder and add honey to it.
  2. To prepare this recipe, you need equal parts of the ingredients.
  3. All thoroughly mixed and taken three times a day for a month.

Milk and garlic drink

  1. In a glass of milk, add crushed medium head of garlic.
  2. After ten minutes of infusion, strain.
  3. Drink to drink a volley and after its reception is recommended for two hours lie down without a pillow.
  4. From a glass of milk cook semolina porridge without sugar and eat as a basic breakfast or lunch, after which you can eat as usually. Treatment should be no more than four days.

Here are some more popular recipes for the treatment of Giardiasis:

  1. Tincture of a hundred walnuts and vodka should be insisted for two weeks and take a teaspoon before eating.
  2. Leaves of aspen are poured a glass of boiling water, insist for about an hour and take a tablespoon three times a day.
  3. One coconut is rubbed on the grater and eaten in three sets during the day.