Straight summer dress

With the advent of summer, women seek to update their wardrobe. One of the acquisitions, of course, should be a direct summer dress. And there are several reasons for this: firstly, it is combined with almost all types of figures, and secondly, it never goes out of fashion; in the third, it is well suited for working in the office and for relaxing with friends.

Straight summer dresses: models

When choosing clothes, first of all, you need to pay attention to your dignity and, on the contrary, try to hide flaws. For example, a slender girl will be approached by a straight short dress - it will advantageously emphasize the legs and allow her owner not to suffer from the heat, even if an official dress code is adopted at work. The main thing in choosing this outfit is at least a small sleeve. To a short summer dress of direct cut you can wear:

A plain dress will decorate a strap or a pin, color accessories will complement the same color scheme. A straight sleeveless dress will be appropriate for a walk, in a cafe or restaurant. On cool evenings it can be supplemented with a stole or jacket.

In incomparable, feminine and always fresh looks a direct summer white dress . It can be any length, on straps or with a sleeve, with a deep neckline or under the neck, but in any case, the color itself makes it exceptional. This dress can be dressed for a celebration, for example, at your own wedding. Adornments to this along will suit almost any - everything depends on the importance of the event. At the wedding ceremony, you can put on jewelry, on a romantic date - a well-chosen, good jewelry.

Perhaps, it is not worth cluttering the wardrobe with dozens of blouses and skirts. One straight simple dress is suitable for many situations, and together with your imagination it will always look different.