Ischemia of the brain - causes and treatment of a dangerous disease

Ischemia of the brain is a complex pathology that poses a serious threat not only to the normal functioning of the sick person, but also to his very life. As the statistics show, in recent years the number of such diagnoses continues to increase, and the disease does not favor the elderly, nor middle-aged people, nor young people.

Ischemia of the brain - what is it?

Ischemia of the brain, or ischemic disease, is a pathological condition in which the brain cells do not receive oxygen in the proper quantity because of the poor patency of the blood vessels that feed this important organ. The brain is the main oxygen consumer in the body and very sensitive to hypoxia, so in conditions of oxygen deficiency during a fast time, there is a violation of its various functions, which can be an irreversible phenomenon.

In addition to lack of oxygen, with brain ischemia due to lack of nutrients supplied with blood (vitamins, glucose, and so on), there is a change in metabolic processes. As a result, the destruction of brain nerve cells begins, and, depending on the location and size of lesions, the consequences of this may be different.

Ischemia of the brain - causes

Cerebral ischemia develops due to various causes leading to difficulty in blood supply to the brain. They can be divided into several groups:

1. Morphological changes in the vessels feeding the brain, associated with their shape and working diameter. In this group, the most common factor is atherosclerosis , which is detected in the majority of patients diagnosed with "cerebral ischemia." This means that cholesterol plaques formed on the inner walls of the cerebral arteries, gradually increasing in size, densifying and germinating into the thickness of the vessel. The presence of cholesterol deposits leads to a narrowing of the vascular lumen, until its complete overlap. In addition, this group includes:

2. Changes in blood properties - increasing its viscosity and coagulability, which contributes to the difficulty of blood flow, the formation of clots. The reason may be a change in the electrolyte composition of the blood, because of which it loses the ability to carry oxygen and protein compounds.

3. Change in general or cerebral hemodynamics , observed with anemia, heart failure or severe poisoning.

4. Violation of the metabolism of neurons , associated with age or individual characteristics.

Acute ischemia of the brain

If there is an acute cerebral ischemia, this means that there was a sharp blood flow failure with a focal lesion of the organ. Blockage of blood flow is often due to clogging of the vessel with a thrombus or cholesterol plaque detached from the vascular wall. Ischemia of the brain in this case develops according to the principle of transient ischemic attack with microscopic damage of brain tissue or ischemic stroke with the formation of a site of cerebral infarction .

Chronic cerebral ischemia

Chronic cerebral ischemia develops gradually in proportion to the long-term narrowing of the bloodstream. The main causes are atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, which in a number of patients are combined. Of great importance are vascular anomalies, cardiovascular pathologies, and vascular compression. The risk factors for this form of illness include old age, hereditary predisposition, bad habits, irrational nutrition.

Ischemia of the brain - symptoms

When there is an acute ischemic disease, the symptoms of circulatory disorders are difficult to overlook. Manifestations depend on the localization of the lesion and can vary. Symptoms of transient attack and ischemic stroke are identical, but in the first case they are temporary, reversible and with timely help quickly regress, and in the second case some of them are irreversible. Let's list the characteristic signs of acute forms:

In chronic form, three degrees of cerebral ischemia are distinguished:

Cerebral ischaemia of 1 degree

In the initial stage, cerebral vascular ischemia can occur almost imperceptibly for the patient and his associates, or the symptoms are ignored because of malovyrazhennosti. The main manifestations are:

Cerebral ischemia of 2nd degree

When cerebral ischemia develops 2 degrees, the primary signs become worse, become more obvious. The most vivid symptoms are as follows:

Cerebral ischaemia of 3rd degree

With the third degree of pathology, most of the brain damage and the resulting lost functions are irreversible. Symptoms of ischemic disease include:

Ischemic disease - diagnosis

If the doctor suspects that the patient develops ischemic disease of the brain, a number of studies are appointed to confirm the diagnosis, determine the degree of progression, identify possible causes. Physical examination assesses the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, determines the neurological status (clarity of consciousness, speech, memory, sensitivity, coordination of movements, pupillary response to light, and so on). Appointed instrumental and laboratory studies:

Ischemia of the brain - treatment

Patients who are suspected of acute cerebral ischemia should receive treatment as soon as possible, which requires urgent hospitalization. First of all, measures are taken to restore blood circulation, which is achieved by conservative or surgical methods. Operative intervention is performed in especially severe cases with the purpose of removing a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque from a blocked cerebral artery, widening the lumen of the vessel.

When cerebral ischemia is diagnosed, an important role in treatment is assigned to diet compliance. Patients need to limit the intake of animal fats, preserves, spices, muffins, sugar and salt. Useful foods rich in potassium (dried apricots, raisins, baked potatoes), iodine (seafood), sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits, cereals. The volume of single portions should be reduced, increasing the number of meals to 5-6. Treatment is often supplemented by physical activity, massage, physiotherapy procedures.

Ischemia of the brain - drugs

How to treat cerebral ischemia, the doctor determines, based on the diagnostic data. Drug therapy is the basis of complex treatment, with the drugs can be injected or taken orally. We list the main groups of agents assigned to treat this pathology:

Treatment of cerebral ischemia with folk remedies

It is important to understand that the prescribed treatment for chronic cerebral ischemia, as well as acute, can not be replaced by any popular methods, so this can be deadly. The possibility of using any alternative methods of treatment should be discussed with the doctor, and only with his permission can they be experienced. As an example, we give a recipe for herbal collection that can stop the development of pathology, widen the lumen of blood vessels, normalize blood flow and metabolic processes in the brain cells.

Prescription medication


Preparation and use

  1. Mix and mix the ingredients.
  2. Take 2 table. spoon collection, pour half a liter of boiling water.
  3. Insist during the night, then strain.
  4. Drink during the day, dividing the infusion into three meals.
  5. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Effects of cerebral ischemia

Ischemic disease of the brain can lead to dangerous consequences, among which:

Prophylaxis of coronary disease

With the minimum probability, ischemic brain disease develops in people who do not have bad habits, engage in sports, adhere to the norms of healthy nutrition and live in ecologically favorable regions. With this in mind, for the prevention of pathology, it is already today:

  1. More time to spend in the fresh air.
  2. Refuse alcohol and smoking.
  3. It's right, balanced eating.
  4. To live an active lifestyle.
  5. Avoid stressful situations.
  6. In a timely manner, treat developing diseases.