Itching of the skin

Itching of the skin causes an unpleasant sensation, which is associated with the desire to comb the affected areas of the skin. Itching, in general, is of a neuro-allergic nature, as well as a symptom of some skin diseases (scabies, eczema, urticaria) or an independent skin disease (idiopathic itching). In addition, the cause of the itching may be dry skin, which sometimes occurs in the winter. Itching of the skin can be permanent and paroxysmal, especially worse in the evening.

There are localized pruritus (only in certain areas of the body) or common (in large areas of the skin).

Localized itching is a common symptom of dermatological diseases. Such an itch of the skin often arises sharply and has a paroxysmal character.

Localized skin itching occurs in the anogenital area:

Localized skin itching can also appear on the scalp:

Sometimes localized itching can be rare localization: itching of the shins of the legs (during varicose veins), winter itching of the legs, itching of the skin on the hands, in particular itching of the palms, itching of the armpits, soles, foreheads, eyelids, cheeks, itching of the back skin.

The most common causes of local itching are:

The general itch of the skin happens:

Itching of the skin in pregnancy

The most common cause of pruritus of the skin during pregnancy is the disease of polymorphic pregnant dermatosis (PDB). Often, dermatosis occurs in the last months of pregnancy, the cause of this can be stretching the skin. BPD is characterized by redness in the form of a rash and itching on the skin. The rash, in general, is common on the abdomen, thighs, especially on stretch marks in the form of small red tubercles.

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women can occur when:

Depending on the symptoms, use antihistamines, steroid creams and moisturizers. But in any case, you need to consult with a specialist in order that he can choose the most appropriate method of treatment. After the birth, the rash completely disappears.

Itchy skin in a child

Itchy skin in a child is a fairly common problem among childhood diseases. The greatest suffering to the child brings an itch, which causes allergies, infectious and fungal skin lesions, scabies, eczema. Increasingly, skin diseases in a child are due to a hereditary predisposition from parents. The causes of skin itching in a child are divided into four groups:

Treatment of skin itching

With long-term disturbing or severe itching, the skin should be seriously examined. After all, itching of the skin is one of the first symptoms of many diseases. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the reasons that caused the itching, as they influence the choice of treatment. First you need to undergo a dermatologist's examination for parasitic diseases. If they were not found, then - on the pathology of the kidneys, liver, as well as endocrine diseases.

Depending on the cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations, the treatment of the itching of the skin is prescribed. Traditional treatment includes the use of medicines, phyto and phototherapy. Among other things, the patient should not use irritating food: spices, spicy, salty. It is not advisable to drink alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

Slightly reduce the itching will also help the use of soothing and antihistamines, calcium preparations. During an itchy old it is recommended to take iodine preparations. You can use warm baths with the addition of decoctions of oak bark and string. An effective remedy for itching of the skin is an alcohol solution of calendula. In addition, ointments containing menthol can be used. In severe cases, ointments that contain corticosteroid hormones are used.