Cutting hair - treatment

The fraying ends of the hair are a problem for many girls who have long hair and often use ironing tools for leveling, styling products containing alcohol, and ignore the use of nourishing masks.

Optimal treatment of split ends of hair should begin with a hairstyle: often the stratified part of a hair shaft can not be restored any more, therefore the essence of treatment consists in not admit it further. Nevertheless, using special masks, you can try to improve the condition of hair and slightly delay the haircut: this should be done if you need to grow hair.

In the arsenal of combating this problem, there are two methods: hardware and folk recipes for the treatment of hair. You can say that they are equally good, so the choice should be made from personal preferences, assessing their own time: if a strong employment prevents doing masks and give treatment about 6 hours a week, then it is better to stop the choice of hardware treatment, which will take much less time.

Treatment of split hair with folk remedies

Folk remedies for treatment are aimed, first of all, on nutrition and restoration of the elasticity of the hair shaft. During treatment, it is necessary to refrain from hot styling and use of products that adversely affect hair: varnish and gel.

Nettle Hair Treatment

To strengthen hair shafts, wash your head with a nettle decoction, and not with ordinary water. The fact is that the water from the tap is often chlorinated, and therefore tough, which is very harmful for the skin and hair.

Boil 200 g of nettle in 6 liters of water, and use it to wash your hair with shampoo.

Treatment of peeled ends with peach butter and egg yolk

Take 5 tbsp. l. Peach butter and mix it with 2 yolks. Apply the product to the ends of the hair for 30 minutes, and then wash the head. Peach oil will make the tips more elastic and prevent their destruction.

Treatment of the ends with gelatin

Take 1 tsp. gelatin and add it to half a glass of water. After gelatin has swelled, heat it either in a water bath or in a microwave and apply to damp hair tips. After 30 minutes, the gelatin needs to be washed off. Repeat this procedure should not be more than once a week for 2 months.

Treatment of the ends of the tips with castor oil and egg

Treating cut hair with castor oil is considered the most effective, however it is not recommended for use on dyed hair.

Take the 6 tbsp. l. castor oil and mix it with 2 eggs. Apply the product on the dry ends of the hair for 1 hour, and then wash the head. Optimal use of this mask 2-3 times a week.

Hardware Hair Treatment

Hardware hair treatment takes much less time than making and using folk remedies. So, one of the most well-known methods of eliminating visited ends is cutting with hot scissors.

Hair treatment with hot scissors

This procedure is carried out only when you need to do a haircut: the master takes a special scissors, the blade of which heats up, and then neatly shears the ends of the hair. It is believed that under the influence of temperature, the hair shaft is soldered at the end, which prevents its stratification.

On this occasion, there are two opinions: some say that it really saves from the section, while others consider this procedure useless.

Most likely, its use is appropriate only in cases where hair is weakened, and even without the daily hot linings begin to be cut. In this case, help and vitamin complexes, and hot scissors. If the hair is cut due to the use of a hair dryer, plaque and cosmetic products, then it is better to give the hair a rest from these procedures and apply folk remedies to restore the hair on its own.