White magic - training

It is worth noting that in order to learn white magic, it is necessary to create a course for yourself from zero to obtaining the necessary skills and knowledge related to determining negative information, removing it, creating protection, charging amulets and talismans. You also need to plunge into the world of numerology, techniques that introduce people into a state of hypnosis and trance and learn the techniques of love spells.

Privorot white magic

To magical instruments of white magic are: conspiracies, prayers, the most light feelings and, first of all, this is love. If you plan to do self-study of white magic, you need to remember that in the overlapping privorot there will be no negative consequences if it is superimposed only with the lightest feelings.

For example, if you want to have a magical effect on your lover, practical white magic strongly recommends that you perform the ritual only if you do not experience any selfish aspirations for this person. In the thought there should be no intention to do him harm or to force him to do something that contradicts the will of the young man.

The school of white magic advises to conduct a love spell on the basis of prayers, conspiracies, while only contact the divine forces. Do not be scared if you were not baptized. If you aspire to do good, share your light feelings, then there will be no negative consequences from it.

How to learn to conjure white magic?

The teaching of white witchcraft involves the use of the acquired knowledge that covers a wide range. It also requires daily exercises that can help you acquire the necessary practical skills. Before delving into the rituals of white magic, stock up with a strong desire, patience and faith, that, despite the setbacks, you will achieve what you want.

It will not be superfluous to note that all occultists should learn the basics of white magic, even if in the future they plan to study in the other direction. White magic refers to the method of self-improvement , and therefore, always strive to improve your concentration. Do not forget to meditate, it will help you in the future easily enter the state of trance and hypnosis.

Remember that learning the magic of the white world is the key to the subsequent successful acquisition of necessary practices and skills.