Mental status

We're all kind of a little crazy. Did you never get this idea into your head? Sometimes a person seems to think that his mental status is clearly beyond the limits of what is permissible. But in order not to think in vain and not to guess, let's look at the nature of this state and find out what the evaluation of mental status is.

Description of mental status

It should be noted that, before, say, to make his verdict, a specialist studies the mental state of his client through a conversation with him. Then he analyzes the information he receives as his answers. The most interesting thing is that this "session" does not end. The psychiatrist also evaluates the appearance of the person, her verbal and nonverbal (ie gestures , behavior, speech).

The main goal of the doctor is to find out the nature of the appearance of certain symptoms, which can be either temporary or passing into the stage of pathology (alas, but the latter option is less joyful than the first one).

We will not delve into the process itself, but give some examples of recommendations:

  1. Appearance . To determine the mental status, pay attention to the appearance of a person, try to determine which social environment he refers to. Make a picture of his habits, life values.
  2. Behavior . In this concept should include the following: facial expression, movement, facial expressions, gestures. The latter criteria help to better determine the child's mental status. After all, the nonverbal body language is more pronounced in him than in an adult. And this suggests that, in case of what, he will not be able to escape from the answer to the question posed.
  3. Speech . Pay attention to the speech characteristics of a person: the pace of his speech, monosyllabicity of answers, verbosity, etc.

When making a diagnosis, the expert sets out everything briefly and succinctly. For example, if a person has a neuropsychological status, the description will be similar to the following: