Day of the Angel Michael

Church rules share the concepts of the name day and the day of the angel. The names of Michael are the dates when the Orthodox Church remembers the saint, and the day of the angel is celebrated when the baptism of a particular child, named by this name, was held. The date of Michael's day is individual, on this day one can go to church and put a candle, remembering the sacrament of baptism . What date is the day of the angel Michael, only the closest people can answer, but the date of the name-day establishes the church.

The names of Michael in the church calendar are November 21, September 19 , December 5 and December 31.

Name Michael: meaning, origin, name-day

This name comes from the Hebrew and means "godlike". The bearers of this name have such character traits as activity, principledness. Michael has good will power and excellent health. He is usually smart, but very demanding of others. As well as his saint, he strives to protect everyone.

For Orthodox Michael is a special figure - he is an advocate for mortals in the face of God, and also leads the heavenly forces to battle against the host of evil.

Mikhailov's day, celebrated on November 21, is associated with the end of the wedding season. He became very fond of the people. It is on November 21 that the Orthodox Church holds the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, and this is considered one of the most important events of the autumn. Michael - the defender of believers from disease and all kinds of temptations.

It has long been believed in Russia that no evil spirit can stand against the archangel Michael, because he only has to appear, and all the evil spirits are hiding in the holes and caves, or fall into the ground.

Slavic beliefs associated with this day

Depending on the region, Mikhailov's day was marked in different ways. For example, in Polesie he was respected, because they believed that he was a defender of thunder. Therefore, on this day, no one chopped, cut or weaved, so as not to offend the saint. In some areas of Belarus they noticed that after the day of Mikhailov the bears fall into a hibernation. This day was officially considered the beginning of winter, from this day the frosts began. There were signs: if this day will be hoarfrost - the winter will be snowy, if the fog - there will be a thaw. If Mikhailov's day is clear, the winter will be cold and frosty.

Michael was also considered the ruler of the souls of the dead. Therefore, all who wanted to die easily, had to celebrate his day.