A hedgerow fast-growing perennial - how to choose the right plants?

The hedge is a fast-growing perennial plantation, serving both to protect the territory from unfavorable external factors, and to decorate the infield. To create it, a variety of seedlings are used, which, when properly treated, take the desired form.

Plants for hedges

To emphasize the natural beauty of the garden landscape will help dense planting of perennial crops. A hedge of fast-growing plants, located on the border of the land, will become a natural barrier of dust, wind and noise, as well as - too intrusive neighbors. Particularly attractive is the idea of ​​its creation on the territory of the villa, because it does not require significant financial investments, like the construction of a full-fledged fence. The role of plants for a fast-growing perennial hedge is perfect:

Living hedge from coniferous plants

Evergreen trees are very popular with the formation of natural barriers. Barbed needles saturate the air with phytoncides - this positively affects both the health of surrounding plants and the inhabitants of the house. The main advantage of fast-growing plants for hedges of this species is high decorative, which persists even in the cold season. Evergreen conifers easily tolerate a haircut, so they can be shaped as needed. Suitable for the creation of hedges are:

  1. Spruce spicy. It is capable of creating impenetrable fencing, provided that the plants are placed after 1 m.
  2. Spruce is silvery. By combining this species with other conifers one can avoid monotony of coloring hedges.
  3. Thuya. The tree does not require an abundance of sunlight and exhibits excellent frost resistance and heat resistance.
  4. Juniper is common. Properly form the crown will help fertilize with nitrogen mixtures.

Fast growing shrubs for hedges

Middle-sized plantings can be used instead of stone or wooden structures of the height of a conventional fence. With such a task can cope with shrubs - an assortment of ornamental plants for creating hedges for the most part consists precisely of them. Particularly relevant are the following types:

  1. Rhododendron - well suited for fence on the north side of the site, as it can burn under the summer rays.
  2. Blackthorn is a winter-hardy plant, moreover, it yields edible fruits.
  3. Seabuckthorn - looks very decorative and suitable for food.
  4. Rose - a prickly bush with a variety of flowers, requiring shelter for the winter.

Living hedge - climbing plants

The organization of a fence of similar colors should begin with an analysis of the conditions of the local climate: for example, tree-like peonies will not be able to fully develop in severe weather conditions. Decide which plants are suitable for hedges, and their minimal whimsiness will help, ideally if they do not need frequent watering and gartering. The most popular options include:

  1. Grapes. Amur and girlish sorts can be planted at least from the south, though from the north side. Its leaves can change color from green to red, depending on the illumination of the site.
  2. Ivy. From it you will get a hedge fast-growing perennial of classical appearance thanks to bright, glossy leaves gathering in a dense carpet.
  3. Hop. It creates a pleasant coolness, but needs protection from its main enemy - aphids.

High hedge fast-growing

Such planting is often called the "green wall". They can be located both along the border of the site, and divide it into several zones, differing in purpose. Evergreen plant hedges of this type should be shadow-tolerant and well tolerate the formation of scissors. The best options are:

Low hedge - plants

If the height of the landing is a maximum of 1 m, then it is usually called a curb. It, as a rule, is formed from short and small shrubs with dense branches. The border has a decorative meaning and is created along the paths and borders of lawns. Recommendations of experts in landscape design on the topic of what plants can make a hedge, suggesting its separation into two types:

  1. Molded curb. For him are suitable: resinous moss varieties, rosemary officinalis, honeysuckle, boxwood evergreen.
  2. Freely growing. The number of plants used may include: mahogany, meadow , heather, shrubby shrub, polyanth roses.