Kvass from elderberry - good and bad

Kvass is one of the traditional Slavic drinks. Especially a lot of it is consumed in the summer, because it quenches thirst well. Each family had their own recipes for this drink. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in the villages it was possible to hear and learn the recipe for "Mariinogo" or "Ustinyinogo" kvass. Everywhere it was made from bread, berries, honey, fruits and even milk! But special attention deserves kvass from elderberry. Is it useful or harmful? What does authoritative sources say about this?

Benefit of kvass from elderberry

Kvass, prepared from elderberry blossoms, has a pleasant taste. According to its color and consistency, this drink is similar to sparkling champagne wine. He has a lot of medicinal properties, which is highly appreciated by both folk and official medicine.

Speaking about the usefulness of kvass from elderberry, it is first of all worth noting that it strengthens the immune system, has good diaphoretic properties. Drink recommended to drink even with angina and flu, as it facilitates coughing and speeds up the recovery of the body.

Folk healer, psychic and psychotherapist Bolotov Boris Vasilievich recommends using elderberry kvass to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, lungs, kidneys, and also to women during menopause. It should be prepared in the following way: in 3 liters of spring or filtered water, add 1 glass of sugar (200 ml.), Black elderberry (2 cups) and 1 tablespoon (25-30 grams) of sour cream. The amount of sour cream depends on its density. All components must be thoroughly stirred and put in a dark place. The fermentation process of kvass will last for 14 days, with daily kvass required to be mixed. After 2 weeks, the finished drink is filtered, poured into a glass container with a tight lid.

Benefit and harm of kvass from elderberry blossoms

Eating kvass from elderberry flowers is recommended before meals. The optimum amount of a drink is 100 ml. In a larger amount, it can be harmful.

With extreme caution, kvass from black elderberry should be consumed by children, pregnant women and women breastfeeding. It is best to do this after consulting your doctor. Official medicine categorically prohibits the use of elderberry kvass for people suffering from chronic diseases, as well as allergies.