Diabetes mellitus in cats

Many believe that diabetes is inherent only in humans. It turns out this is wrong. Diabetes can also hurt cats. Diabetes mellitus in cats can develop due to excess weight. Mostly they are sick cats of older age.

The disease is characterized by the following consequences:

Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes can not be called easy. The owner of the pet will have to radically re-examine the diet and follow the recommendations of the veterinarian carefully.

Diabetes mellitus in cats - symptoms

In representatives of the Cat family, 3 types of diabetes mellitus are distinguished:

  1. Insulin dependent . Symptoms: An animal is bad, there are signs of ketoacidosis.
  2. Non-insulin dependent . How to determine: the cat is overweight, with the elimination of insulin carbohydrate metabolism remains normal.
  3. Secondary diabetes . It begins with the introduction of hormones or pancraket. Can be cured if primary causes are eliminated (eg, pancreatitis ).

Symptoms of diabetes in domestic cats are as follows: appetite is increased, there is a strong thirst and frequent urination. Despite the listed symptoms, weight loss, muscle wasting, liver enlargement and poor condition and even hair loss may begin. Sometimes the weakness of the legs.

To diagnose diabetes, you need to do a blood and urine test. Everything surrenders in the morning and on an empty stomach!

Diabetes mellitus in cats - treatment

Indicators of analysis determine the appropriate treatment. Full animals should lose weight, provided that it will be gradual. Depleted lean cats are prescribed high-calorie diets.

Cats with the first type of diabetes are credited with the introduction of short-acting insulin. Cats with a second type of diabetes (uncomplicated) are not prescribed insulin, and they are orally administered drugs that lower sugar.

According to the rules, the injection of insulin should coincide with the feeding, provided that it is injected 2 times a day. With a single injection, the injection should coincide with one meal, and the remaining ration is fed after 7-12 hours. If the cat is used to getting food a little during the day, then the order of feeding does not need to be changed.

The chances for the cure of a sick animal depend on the moment of treatment in the clinic. The disease, revealed in the first stages, increases the chances of recovery. The dose of insulin will decrease for 3-6 months and will end with its complete cancellation.