Chandi Sukuh

Chandi Sukuh is located on the island of Java . The construction of the complex dates back to the 15th century, the main pyramid was completed in 1437. A unique temple for Asia, built in Indian style, and is considered one of the main mysteries of Indonesia .

Temple of fertility Chandi Sukuh

The temple complex was built in the middle of the XV century in the inaccessible Javanese forests. Its height above sea level is 900 m. The temple itself is a trapezium, towering upwards by three tiers. In the lower tier there are stone arched gates, and the first and second tiers are completely covered with bas-reliefs on fertility and sexuality. Before entering the temple, there were altars in the form of two turtles with a flattened shell, on which it was convenient to leave offerings.

Many modern tourists Chandi Sukuh is surprised by an abundance of eroticism in all its manifestations. These are nude male and female figures, sexual scenes and images of sexual organs that occur in the form of statues, paintings and bas-reliefs. This should be prepared.

It is a temple of fertility, and it was in this form that the Javanese perceived it. Most often on bas-reliefs you can see Lingam and Yoni - the two oldest symbols of the male and female origin, from which a new life is taken. And the most popular bas-relief here is Ganesha, dancing with two blacksmiths on each side.

Ancient Mayan pyramid in the Javanese forests

The uniqueness of this ancient complex first of all consists in the construction of the temple that is not typical for this area. Nowhere else in Indonesia will you find truncated pyramids like this. You will not find them in all of Southeast Asia or Europe, but there are a lot of them in North and Central America.

The temple of Chandi Sukuh is most similar to the Mayan pyramids of the sun, which can be found on the Yucatan peninsula and to the south. But whence the Indian construction took up in Java, it is completely incomprehensible. This mystery still occupies the minds of many scholarly historians and attracts numerous tourists to the deaf forests of Javanese. Especially interesting will be those travelers who have already been to Latin America, and can compare the similarity of buildings.

The top of the truncated pyramid is very steep stairs, which are difficult to climb, but on top you will have a stunning view of the small park and the distant jungle.

How to get to Chandi Sukuh?

The temple is located in the inaccessible place of the island of Java, on the slopes of Mount Lava . The nearest town is Surakarta (or Solo, as the locals say). It is 40 km from the complex. From Jakarta , there are trains and buses here. In the city, you need to change to another bus, departing from the terminal Tirtonadi or Palur to Terminal Karang Pandan, the cost of the train is $ 0.75. Next you need to get to the place - the last 2 km go steeply uphill. They can be traversed on foot or take a mototax. The most convenient option, which many tourists prefer, is a taxi ride from Surakarta itself. To do this, you will have to negotiate with the driver so that he will wait for you while you inspect the temple complex.