Low blood pressure - causes and treatment

To combat hypertension, there are many drugs and therapeutic approaches, since this syndrome is considered the main cause of heart attacks and strokes. But no less dangerous low pressure - the causes and treatment of this pathology are still being studied. Due to insufficient information on hypotension, as well as a small number of pharmacological agents for normalizing blood pressure, many people suffer from hypotonic syndrome for many years or throughout their life.

Causes and treatment of low diastolic and systolic pressure

At the moment of relaxation of the heart muscles in the arteries, the minimum blood pressure, called the diastolic or lower one, is established. Its normal value is about 80 mm Hg. However, it can vary between 60 and 80 mm Hg. Art.

Systolic or upper pressure characterizes the moment of compression of the heart muscle and the expulsion of blood in the artery. The norm of the considered index is 120 mm Hg. Although some specialists prefer to expand this value somewhat - from 100 to 120 mm Hg. Art.

The reasons for lowering blood pressure are:

Cope with hypotension can be traditional methods and with the help of traditional medicine, but a steady effect is achieved through an integrated approach.

How to treat low blood pressure at home?

First you need to take care of the general requirements:

  1. It is good to eat. Hypotonics must necessarily have breakfast, it is useful to finish a meal with a cup of sweet coffee.
  2. Sleep at least 8.5-9 hours at night. If there is an opportunity, you should also take time for a day's sleep.
  3. To lead a more active way of life. It is advisable to do exercises every morning, to go in for swimming, to walk in the fresh air in the evening.

Also there are physiotherapeutic procedures that allow to restore blood pressure:

Preparations for correction of hypotension:

Before treating low systolic and diastolic pressure with medications, it is better to visit a doctor and make sure that hypotension is a primary disease, and not a consequence of other pathologies.

Treatment of the causes of low blood pressure by folk remedies and natural preparations

In the pharmacy you can buy a number of phytonetics, normalizing blood pressure:

A good remedy in folk medicine is immortelle or sandy cumin.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Rinse the grass, pour it with water. Wrap the container with a dense cloth, insist 40 minutes. Strain infusion. Drink one-third or half a glass of medicine half an hour before lunch and dinner.