Pyometra in dogs

A pyometra is a dangerous disease in which the reproductive sphere in dogs is affected. During the mating period, the bacteria enter the female uterus and if the body is weakened by the dog, the accelerated multiplication of bacteria leads to the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, then pus accumulates in its cavity. Therefore purulent inflammation of the uterus is also called endometritis.

The pyometra in dogs is open and closed. Open is characterized by the presence of purulent discharge from the vagina of the female, with the closed form pus accumulates in the uterine cavity.

Pyometra in dogs - reasons

More often than not, a pyrometer occurs a month or two after the estrus of pedigreed females with the following problems:

The pyometra is difficult to diagnose, especially in the initial stage, because the symptoms are not clearly apparent. The signs that can be diagnosed include:

All these signs can be fuzzy, blurry, they then appear, then disappear. Often, there are no obvious signs at all. Therefore, if at least one of the listed signs of pyometra appears in dogs, a veterinarian's consultation is necessary.

Treatment of pyometers in dogs

An experienced veterinarian with suspicion of a pyometra will designate an ultrasound of the uterus - the most reliable way to exclude other diseases or pregnancy, the symptoms of which are sometimes similar to those of the pyometers. In addition, for the correct diagnosis, the doctor will give the dog tests of urine, blood, vaginal discharge.

Treatment of pyometers in dogs is of two types: conservative and operative. With the medical method of treatment at an early stage of the disease, drugs that stimulate uterine contractions and antibiotics are used to eliminate inflammation. However, this method most often does not have the desired result, and the disease returns again. In addition, conservative treatment can be risky, especially if the pyometra is in a closed form and there is a risk of developing septic complications.

Therefore, the most effective method of treating pyometers in dogs is an operation in which both the uterus and the ovaries are completely removed. If the disease is severe, urgent surgery is the only way to save the animal's life. Without the necessary treatment, the dog, most often, dies.

Prevention of pyometers in dogs

The most reliable prevention of pyometers is the sterilization of the female. If you want to get offspring from a dog, then try to get rid of the provoking factors that cause this disease:

Take care of the health of your pet very carefully, especially watch it after every estrus. And if you notice that the behavior of the bitch became depressed or, conversely, restless, she still has a discharge, her stomach is enlarged, immediately contact a veterinarian. In no case do not engage in a life-threatening dog self-medication!