Excretions in cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix is ​​a focal disturbance in the structure of the epithelial layer of this organ when ulceration occurs in the place of the mucosa. This disease is dangerous because in case of adverse factors (infection, reduced immunity, trauma of this site during childbirth or abortion, etc.) can grow and in advanced cases degenerate into cancer.

Usually the discharge during cervical erosion does not differ from their normal manifestations, and generally nothing changes in the woman's well-being. However, some women may have bloody or brown discharge during erosion during or after sexual intercourse. This happens if a defective focus of the mucosa injures during sex.

What are the secretions with erosion of the cervix?

Brown discharge during erosion of the cervix can indicate not only the mechanical trauma of the affected area of ​​the mucosa (during a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse), but also of inflammation of the endometrium, if such a daubness appears several days before the onset of menstruation. The fact is that the presence of erosion in a woman can become a predisposing factor to the development of inflammation in the uterus and ovaries.

Yellow discharge in women with cervical erosion may be a symptom of staphylococcal infection and ureaplasmosis.

White discharge during erosion may indicate the presence of a woman's yeast infection, a fungal infection of the genus Candida.

To clarify the causes of abnormal discharge, consultation of the obstetrician and gynecologist and the delivery of tests for microflora and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) is necessary. If any inflammation in the genital area is detected, prompt treatment is necessary, since any delay in eliminating these problems is fraught with the growth of the erosion focus and its degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Discharge after treatment of erosion

There are several ways to treat cervical erosion. The most effective method is cauterization. If the treatment was done by chemical coagulation, laser therapy, radio wave surgery or electric current, then after the cauterization of erosion, the appearance of blood discharge is the norm. This fact testifies to the processes of restoration of damaged mucosa after cauterization, about healing of the "sore" formed as a result of the manipulation.

The method of cryotherapy and in the case of cervical erosion treatment is considered the most bloodless and subsequently does not affect the discharge.

In the recovery period after cauterization of cervical erosion regardless of the method by which it was produced, a woman can observe abundant transparent discharge, which is also a variant of the norm and speaks about the processes of regeneration of the damaged mucosa.

It is important for a woman to keep track of such signs of excreta as abundance, smell and color. In case of badly and sharply smelling, and also abundant bright red discharge should immediately seek medical help. These signs may be the onset of bleeding that has opened up or the manifestation of an infection that has joined.

Discharge of cervical erosion during pregnancy

Since cauterization of cervical erosion during pregnancy is not recommended that the resulting scar did not prevent the opening of the uterus pharynx in childbirth, this is usually planned for the postpartum period. However, during the gestation of the child, the future mother can mark a periodic "podkravlivanie" of the vagina. Bloody and brown discharge during pregnancy can occur during erosion of the cervix, when the ulcerated area is irritated and damaged, which provokes its bleeding. This happens because the rapidly growing uterus inevitably leads to a stretching of the cervical canal, and the focus of erosion is stretched.