Ectasia of the ducts of the mammary gland

Ectasia (or dectectasia) of the mammary ducts is the disease most affected by post-productive women (over 40-45 years old). It consists in the expansion of suboreolar canals.

Symptoms of ectasia of mammary glands

The disease is clinically pronounced, so the diagnosis of it is not difficult. The main symptoms include:

  1. Allocations from the mammary glands are greenish or brown in color.
  2. Painful sensations in the chest.
  3. Swelling, redness around the halo.
  4. Itching in the area of ​​the nipples.
  5. The drawn nipple.

Causes of the disease

Ductectectomy of the mammary glands can arise as a consequence of a number of disorders. In medical practice, the following probabilistic causes of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Inflammation. To exclude this process, research is carried out on the content to be isolated. As a treatment, a course of antibiotics, immunomodulators is prescribed.
  2. Polyp or papilloma in the duct. Polyp is a benign tumor, its potential danger and the need for removal is determined by a mammalian doctor after an X-ray or ultrasound.
  3. Excess synthesis of prolactin . The disease is called galactaria. It can develop in connection with hormonal disorders or against the background of taking certain drugs. She is most often affected by women 35-40 years old. Treatment is reduced to the correction of the hormonal background.
  4. Mammary cancer. This is one of the most dangerous causes of nipple discharge. Breast cancer is a common cancer. Its presence will allow to reveal a cytological examination, biopsy, ultrasound or X-ray.

Treatment of ectasia of the ducts of the breast is reduced to eliminating the causes that caused it. In the case when therapy is ineffective or causes are not identified, surgical removal of the duct is used. This type of treatment for breastectomy is used when there are no concomitant diseases and the woman does not plan to have a baby and breast-feeding.