When to take female hormones?

Analysis of female hormones is an important link in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases. When, at what complaints do you need to take female sex hormones?

There are a number of indications for referring to the level of female sex hormones:

How correctly to take female hormones?

Terms for the delivery of female hormones depend on which hormone the analysis is assigned to. Testing for female hormones of the ovaries is carried out on strictly defined days of the cycle: for estradiol, the analysis is performed on the 6-7 menstrual cycle, and on progesterone - on day 22-23 of the menstrual cycle or 5-7 days from the maximum rise in basal temperature.

The delivery of female hormones is carried out after a certain preparation. Before the analysis on the level of estrogens, physical exertion is not recommended the day before, you can not smoke. On the eve of a blood test for progesterone, fatty foods are excluded, you can not eat 6 hours before the test, but you can drink water.

An increase in the level of estradiol is possible with endometrioid cysts, hormone-producing ovarian tumors, liver cirrhosis, the use of hormonal drugs with estrogens. A decrease in the level of estradiol is possible with hypogonadism, a threat of miscarriage, intense physical exertion, diets with low fat, weight loss, and smoking.

An increase in the level of progesterone is observed with a yellow body cyst, amenorrhea, pregnancy, placenta or adrenal dysfunction, kidney failure, hormonal adrenal cortex intake. Decrease in the level of progesterone is possible with the anovulatory cycle, chronic inflammatory processes of female genital organs, pregnancy retardation, intrauterine growth retardation, reception of estrogens.

In addition to the blood test for hormones of the ovaries, the doctor can prescribe an analysis for the hormones of the pituitary gland (prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone). Analysis for prolactin is prescribed for mastopathy, anovulatory cycle, obesity, infertility, amenorrhea, hirsutism, severe climacterium, osteoporosis, lactation disorders, decreased sexual desire. Analysis for FG and LH is prescribed for endometriosis, polycystic ovary, infertility, amenorrhea, miscarriage, growth retardation and puberty, hormone control, the analysis is carried out on the 6th-7th day of the cycle.