Slimming classes

Our world is full of people who are hungry to lose weight, and at the same time, there is such a variety of sports that it's just amazing how every person in the world can not find at least one sports hobby.

However, the fact remains and the owners of excess weight want to not just play sports, and combine it with the fastest weight loss. It is for this purpose, we are discussing today, what are the most effective exercises for losing weight.

Classics of the genre - cardio

To all those who have already tried to find themselves some kind of sports exercise for weight loss, it is well known that for this purpose cardio is always recommended, that is - aerobic loads or loads with "air". No wonder, because we are all aware that O2 is needed to burn fat. And as for anaerobic (see "airless"), they are needed for those who have already gotten rid of fat and want to get pumped. However, American scientists publicly announced that aerobic exercise is not significantly effective in losing weight, and immediately began to come up with really effective exercises for losing weight. They were recognized interval training. That is, if you run, then you need to alternate between light loads with maximum, the same applies to cycling and swimming. However, this is only suitable for athletes with experience.

Fitness at home

Contrary to rumors that cardioads (to which the fitness refers) are not effective, the most convenient way to lose weight is at home. To do this, you will need a little time (preferably a few times a week), a pre-designed program (you can take popular earlier disks and videos with exercises), fun music, a rug and, possibly, dumbbells. If you do not have fatal obesity problems, then get a good shape, tighten up and improve your health, quite realistically doing at home (regularly!).

A bike

The very variety of classes, of course, is different, depending on where exactly you want to lose weight. If your goal is tightened buttocks, hips and legs, then the ideal exercise for weight loss, no doubt, recognizes cycling .


In water, a person always feels strongly the process of regeneration, healing, while in the pool there is practically no load, and the chance to injure is minimal. Just swimming in the pool, you will burn a lot of calories and lose in centimeters throughout the body, and special exercises for weight loss in the pool will bring unthinkable benefits. You can correct and pump up the dorsal muscles, strengthen the legs, the press and hands. The most effective training is three times a week for 30-40 minutes.

Believe me, in the water time "flows" differently, and for these half an hour you'll sweat very cool, without noticing it.


If you want to be entertained with benefit, while you are surely standing on your feet, and a couple of abrasions will not get you to hysterics, videos are the best lesson for losing weight with the wind. After a tiring day (if you still, of course, stand on your feet), you can stand on the "wheels" and crawl through the park. Burning calories all over the body plus excellent mood - guaranteed.

Well, well, it's over, minuscule, compared to what you can do in this world for weight loss. In principle, any motor activity burns a certain amount of calories (see ENERGY!). With this, no one argues. However, if you have brought yourself to catastrophic obesity and you are looking for the most effective "fat burning" sport, then it is worth considering how much time you spent on weight gain and then you will stop demanding a lightning result from the sport.