External hemorrhoids - treatment

Unpleasant signs of manifestation of such a common disease as hemorrhoids may indicate the type of its course. There are internal, external and mixed hemorrhoids. The external manifestation of hemorrhoids is diagnosed most easily due to the fact that the nodes determining the type of this disease form outside the anus.

Acute external hemorrhoids - treatment

Most often in the normal state, the nodes that have formed may not disturb the patient at all, he may simply not notice their presence. However, at the time of exacerbation, hemorrhoids bring many unpleasant sensations. To date, there are specially developed medications that help not only to quickly relieve the pain, but also have a common inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids is aimed at removing edema, itching, pain. To do this, usually the first thing to use ointments, such as Aurobin, Relief, Proctosidil. With the external form of hemorrhoids, the use of ointments is the simplest and most effective step, it is given preference in comparison with the use of candles.

In addition to removing general symptoms, ointments tend to affect blood supply to the nodes, preventing the formation of blood clots. Thus, timely therapy of external hemorrhoids can prevent the complicated development of such an ailment.

Thrombosed external hemorrhoids - treatment

In the formed node there can be a disturbance of blood circulation, blood accumulates, thickens, stagnates, a thrombus is formed. The thrombosed external hemorrhoids is considered to be a complicated stage, it is also characterized by a strong swelling of the node, its blueness, sharp pain sensations when touching it. Pain can also occur with any sudden movements.

Thrombosed external hemorrhoids require a doctor's examination and immediate medication, otherwise, surgical intervention may become a necessity. A thrombus can also lead to the formation of an abscess.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids without surgery involves the use of medicaments in the form of ointments, suppositories (suppositories) and tablets. In the presence of thrombus, hormonal preparations are prescribed, which give a strong effect against swelling, itching, pain and inflammation. In addition to ointments, anti-inflammatory tablets are included, such as Indomethacin, Ibuprofen and others, as well as medicines that have a common venotonic effect, for example, Flebodia.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids by folk remedies

Exceptionally popular methods of treatment are useful in uncomplicated hemorrhoids and the first signs of the disease. In other cases, self-medication can lead to the opposite consequences - complications of thrombosed hemorrhoids will lead to surgery by a surgeon.

It is for these reasons that it is better to take folk therapy as an assistant to therapy with medicamental methods.

Are popular in the therapy of hemorrhoids baths sitting, when in warm water grasses are made, softening and relieving inflammation - calendula, chamomile , propolis. Also at home, prepare ointments, using honey, propolis . To reduce edema, small compresses from grated carrots and beets also help.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Treatment of external hemorrhoids with ointments, tablets, candles during pregnancy is conducted under supervision and strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Not all funds can be safe during this period. In addition, the choice of medication depends on the stage and severity of hemorrhoids. After birth, hemorrhoid external requires treatment only under the supervision of a doctor. If the mother is breastfeeding, not all tablets and ointments can be used. Most often in complex therapy include suppositories and ointment, funds that stabilize blood circulation and vein-toning, as well as soft laxatives.