How to water cacti in winter?

Like all other plants, the cactus should be watered, but how often it should be done, not every florist knows. If this process is organized incorrectly, then it disappears.

How correctly to water cacti?

These plants do not need daily watering. Watering is necessary for a flowering and growing cactus, as the plant during these periods has a rapid metabolism, and it absorbs water well. It will be enough to water it well once in 2 weeks, but this rule does not work for everyone. The frequency depends on the temperature in the room where it stands, and on the kind of cactus itself. If the flower is in a hot room, then it will need to be done more often. The same applies to forest and epiphytic varieties.

Experienced gardeners recommend watering cacti only after the substrate has dried both above and below the pot. This must be done through a pallet, because you can not allow moisture to fall on the barrel of a cactus.

Even if the flower is located at home, in winter, the cactus does not need to be watered often, since at this time it has a resting period (or "hibernation") and all the processes in it stop. It will be enough for 1 teaspoon in 1-2 weeks. If the pot with the flower is at minus temperatures, then it is not watered at all.

In addition to the irrigation frequency, it is very important for cacti what exactly you will carry out.

What water to water cacti?

It is very important that water is properly prepared for watering this inhabitant of the desert. It should be warm (room temperature), soft and steady (for 2-3 days). For this, rain and thaw are also suitable. But some growers do not recommend taking them, because in conditions of air pollution (especially in the city), they will contain a large number of heavy metals.

As an option, pour 1 teaspoon into 5 liters of 9% vinegar in boiled water. Such a solution will, by chemical properties, resemble rainwater, but it is very clean.