
Otoplasty has practically no contraindications and can be performed even in childhood, starting at 6 years old.

Otoplasty of the ears - indications:

  1. Microtia (underdevelopment of the ears or congenital absence of the auricle).
  2. Lop-eared.
  3. Reduced lobe and shrinkage of the auricle.
  4. Disproportionate size of the ears.
  5. Asymmetry of the ears.
  6. Defect of folding the auricle into the shape of a glass or a cup.
  7. Scars on the ears.
  8. Rupture of the lobe.
  9. Growth of the auricle due to a fracture.

Types of otoplasty:

Operation of otoplasty

On the eve of surgery, a consultation with the surgeon is conducted, which determines the degree of deviation of the ear from the established standards. Then, anesthesia is injected and a thin incision is made on the back of the ear. Thanks to this it becomes possible to cut the cartilaginous tissue and saw it to give the ear the desired shape and size. The lobe is corrected by removing excess skin and adipose tissue from its back.

At the end, a seam is applied and an elastic bandage over the ears after otoplasty. It wraps around the entire head to securely fix the cartilaginous and dermal tissue in a new position.

Otoplasty involves a recovery in the home, which lasts about three weeks. The rehabilitation period includes:

The final healing will occur 6 weeks after the operation, and the scar will become completely invisible.

Laser Otoplasty

To shorten the recovery period will help otoplasty laser. In addition, this procedure is less traumatic and significantly less likely to cause the development of infectious tissue infection. Such otoplasty is carried out on the same principles as surgical, only all manipulations are performed by a laser beam. This avoids the excision and filing of the cartilaginous tissue: it simply evaporates under the influence of a powerful laser beam. The rehabilitation period after this type of otoplasty takes only 10 days and does not require any special recommendations other than wearing a fixation compression bandage.

The side effects of the operation are:

Otoplasty - consequences

Postoperative complications can occur in two cases. First, when choosing an unqualified medical institution or a surgeon for otoplasty. Secondly, if during the rehabilitation period all the recommendations of the specialist were not met.

Usually there are such consequences:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Infectious lesions of postoperative wounds.
  3. Formation of visible scars.

Unsuccessful otoplasty can lead to the return of the ear to its original wrong position or to asymmetry of the auricles. In such cases, about a year after the operation, repeated otoplasty is recommended in another specialist.