Father Beyonce said that he never beat a daughter in his life

Beyonce's new album Lemonade turned out to be a mega-scandal. The sensation was caused not by the beauty of the musical compositions included in it, but by the text of the songs. From the baiting already suffered possible "mistresses" Jay Z, and now went to the singer's father ...

Candidates for the role of Becky

In the beginning, Beyoncé's fans attacked poor Rachel Roy and Rita Oru, deciding that they fit the description of a certain Becky, whom JJ Z changed to his star-spouse. "Ulic" was not enough, the "razluchnitsy" themselves hastened to say that they highly respect Beyonce and did not turn novels with her husband.

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Fans of the singer did not calm down and switched to her father. Matthew Knowles learned that the listeners did not like the lines: "Did he convince you that he is God? ... Are you a slave to his fist?" I'm talking about your husband or your father? ", He hastened to assure me that he did not raise his hand to his talented baby.

It is noteworthy that Bi herself does not want to clarify the situation, she keeps silent about the heroes of her provocative compositions. A cunning marketing move? We suspect that the following "victims" may appear on the Lemonade plate.