Biography of Whoopi Goldberg

They say that it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to get into Hollywood. However, the lives of many current stars indicate the opposite. Obvious evidence of this was the actress Whoopi Goldberg, whose biography is full of not very happy events. However, despite all the difficulties, the dream has become so real that the woman still thanks the fate for the chance given to her.

Biography and personal life Whoopi Goldberg

Now a very famous actress was born in New York on November 13, 1955, in the family of the poor. The real name of the star is Karin Elaine Johnson, but in her childhood she was affectionately called the Whoopi. Despite the distressing situation in the family, Karin from childhood was actively engaged in work in the local theater, while studying the acting skills at the same time. And at the age of eight she was in the theater.

The talent of the little girl was immediately noted by teachers, but at the same time she was considered to be lagging behind in school because of a specific dyslexia disease. All this led to the fact that Whoopi dropped out of school.

In his youth, Whoopi Goldberg, leaving home, joined the popular hippie line. Then she first tried marijuana, and later became addicted to strong drugs. All her attempts to abandon such a pernicious habit have always failed.

The beginning of the 70-ies became salutary for Karin. She met Alvin Martin, the leader of the anti-addiction organization, which helped her get rid of her bad predilection and change her life. They began a relationship, then they got married, and a year later, Whoopi Goldberg gave birth to a daughter, Alexander. In this difficult period, Whoopi came to work by anyone, until at one point she managed to get into the new theater. After parting with her husband, she went to conquer theatrical stage, and then Hollywood.

This stage was the beginning of her acting career, as her performances in the theater quickly became popular. In 1985 she hit the big screen. Her first role in the movie "Purple Light" brought the actress nomination for an "Oscar" and the Golden Globe award. Then a secondary role in the film "Ghost" brought her a second statuette. It was after participating in this film that Vupi became a full-blown star of Hollywood.

The dark-skinned actress had a special zeal for work, so every year, until 2006, appeared several new paintings with her participation. In 2007, Vupi played the role of mother in the film "Knowing that I'm a genius," and the next time the audience saw it in 2009 in the movie "Medea in prison." Since then, the actress decided to slow down a bit. Perhaps the age made itself felt, or the star was so carried away by the direction that she was no longer able to appear in several films at the same time.

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In 1994, the debut of Whoopi Goldberg was held as the leading one, where she was the first to conduct the Oscar awards ceremony. From that moment until today it is quite successful in this field of activity. However, the actress continues to star in films, and in 2014 played the role of Bernadette Thompson in the movie "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."