How to develop a speech in a child?

Oh, these unforgettable emotions, when your baby says his first "aga" and "mom." The feeling of great joy is familiar to almost every parent. But what if the progress does not go further than these words and your child stubbornly does not want to talk? In this case, you need to help him master such a complicated and incomprehensible language. And only you can do it.

How to properly develop the child's speech?

The development of the speech of the baby is divided into several stages:

  1. Scream. It is a reflex and arises together with the child's need for protection, warmth, food and comfort.
  2. The humming. From the second month the child begins to pronounce the sounds of a-agu, gy-e, etc. If you carefully look at the baby, you will notice that he is waiting for your response. This means that the child is already learning how to build a dialogue with you.
  3. Lisp. Approximately in 6-7 months the child begins to pronounce the first syllables: ma, ba, pa. Gradually, they are added to the chain: ma-ma, pa-pa, etc. In this period it is important to repeat these syllables to the child, read rhythmic rhymes and sing to the baby. So you will develop more and more hearing.
  4. The first words. Approximately from 11-12 months the child needs the development of word creation. The kid listens carefully to the sentences, poems and fairy tales that parents say out loud. Therefore, even being on the street it is important to communicate with the child in short and capacious phrases. For example, a dog - av-av, a car - a bi-bi, a locomotive - tu-tu or chuh-chuh.

Play and learn to speak

Starting from one year it's important to start using children's games that develop speech. Many parents confine themselves to rhymes and reading books, while others begin to deal with kids in specialized nursery classes. However, there are more effective options in which you can not go out even from the baby's room. So, we develop the speech of the child at home:

1. We talk aloud. If the kid is within your sight, start talking to yourself, short, slow and clear phrases. So that the kid sees your actions and hears what you say. For example: "I'll wash the dishes", "Mama cook porridge", "Sasha will eat now", etc.

2. Parallel conversation. A method similar to the previous one, but based on the comments of what the child himself is doing. In other words, you give the child a clue as to the name of the thing that he holds in his hands, what are the properties of this object, and so on. The child gets personal experience and in the future learns to use your words faster.

3. Provocation. Is in the deliberate misunderstanding of the child. For example, a kid calls you a toy or points a finger at it and wants you to give it to him. Try to give the wrong toy. The first reaction of the baby will naturally be an outrage, as you did not understand what he meant. In the future, you can ask the child questions: "I do not understand, do you want a ball or a doll?". The child willingly begins to explain to the dumb parent what he wants.

4. Songs, rhymes and rhymes. Almost all games for children developing speech are based on a sense of rhythm. Especially if in this way you accompany any action of the child. With the help of rhymes and sentences, you will help the child not only to master the speech, but also to accustom him to the pot, teach him how to use a spoon and instill in him other social skills. Also with the help of rhythmic games you can use the motor activity of the baby. The more you perform complex movements with fingers and hands and the entire body of the baby, the more areas of the brain will be involved. Here are a few examples of such games:

The beetle buzzes - zhu-ju-ju-ju

I'll show you my eyes

I'll show you my forehead

I'll show you the ears (and so on).

The child will quickly remember where the eyes and other parts of the body are at the mother's side, then can show them at home, and in the third stage he himself will start to call them.

5. Research scientists have shown that the best toys that develop speech are ordinary household items, different in color, shape and other characteristics. A vivid example of this can be seen in the kitchen, when the baby prefers ordinary groats, crockery, cups and spoons to regular toys. Studying such subjects with your comments about what you can do with them, will develop your child's speech much more quickly. And the games of the baby with the croup will perfectly develop the motor skills, which is also an important factor in the formation of word-making.

6. Not the last place is occupied also with cartoons, developing speech . Every parent should remember - children of early age need a live communication, so TV as such can harm them. But if there are mom and dad nearby, who watch cartoons and movies with the child and comment on everything they see on the screen, the effect will be stunning. Among the good old cartoons it is worth noting the following: "Terem-Teremok", "How to Become Great", Antoshka "," Red, red "," Two merry goose "," We shared an orange "," Adventures of a cucumber "," Santa Claus and summer "(a song about summer). Also in Russia was released a wonderful series of films "I Can Do Everything. They become geniuses. " It helps to develop memory, speech, imagination and contributes to the harmonious formation of the child's personality.

You can invent games for your children, developing their speech. The main principles are attention and maintaining a dialogue with the baby. Play with the child in dolls, in the theater, give toys different properties and speak on their behalf. Crafted crafts from various materials. Do not hesitate to spend your time on communication with the child, do not leave it at the TV, instead of playing the game. And then you will never have the question of how to develop the speech of the child.