Fighting the bear with ammonia

A bear or a cabbage is a malicious pest of a garden that is very prolific and dangerous for many plant species. A female bear brings up to 400 eggs at a time. Larvae and adults cause irreparable harm to most of the crop plants, flowers, strawberry bushes, bulbous. They not only eat plants, but also snack thin young stems with their powerful claws, and also interfere with the germination of planted seeds.

How to get rid of the honey with ammonia?

Undoubtedly, there are many insecticides designed to fight various pests. But it would be desirable to minimize the negative impact of poisons on plants and the indirect effect on our health. Because people from time immemorial use folk remedies, which, with their effectiveness, are less harmful and dangerous for people and plants.

And the fight against the bear with the help of ammonia is a striking example. In addition to the fact that ammonia water is fighting pests, it is also an excellent nitrogen fertilizer. So the struggle brings additional benefit to plants.

The mechanism of action of ammonia from the bear is such that its sharp odor repels insects. But due to the fact that the smell quickly disappears, its action is short. Therefore, weekly application of the drug is required.

The method of using ammonia alcohol against the bear

So, before applying to the vegetable garden of ammonia from the bear, it must be diluted in water. The proportion is approximately the following:

The resulting solution must be carefully poured under the root, approximately 1 liter of a half-liter pot per plant bush. In doing so, try not to fall on the leaves.

Another way of using ammonia is to unfold wetted cloth flaps in the aisles. In this case, you can not dilute it, but pour it on rags in the form of 3-4% solution.

You can use ammonia from a bear when planting potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and other crops, as well as throughout their growing season. The unpleasant smell of ammonia water will scare off insects, preventing them from spoiling seedlings and future shoots.

Other folk remedies against the bear

There are many ways to fight with cabbage. Here are some of them:

  1. In the holes of the bear, you need to pour an oil emulsion consisting of 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, diluted in 4-5 liters of water. Oil sticks the respiratory tract of the insect, which as a result dies.
  2. In bottles with a wide neck you need to pour a little candied honey and dig them into the ground in the beds, so that the neck was at the ground level. The wolves, attracted by the smell of honey, get into the bottles, but they can not get out any more.
  3. Repels the bears with a sharp smell of marinated and slightly spoiled fish (sprats, tulips, anchovies). It should be placed in the holes right during the planting of seedlings at a depth of 3-4 cm. Such a seedling will not touch such seedlings.
  4. You can prepare a soapy solution at a rate of 4 tbsp. spoons of powder 10 liters of water and pour it into the holes of the bear. When insects begin to get out on the surface, they need to be caught and destroyed.
  5. To protect the beds from the spread of the bear can be done by sandwiching them with sand dipped in kerosene.
  6. In the spring, you can scatter around a section of a heap of manure. The bear will surely arrange nests in them, which you can easily destroy with the eggs laid.
  7. To scare off the bears and other earth pests can be with the help of windmills, installed on metal poles, dug right on the beds. They act by their noise and vibration.