Tigridia - landing and care in the open ground

To your front garden is always in the spotlight, plant a beautiful tigridia on the site. This unusual flower with a sonorous name, although it came to us from sultry South America, perfectly blended in Russian landscapes. About the main stages of planting and care for tigrids in the open field and will be discussed today.

Tigridia - landing and care in the open ground

Despite external fragility and exoticism, the tigrid has adapted not only to survive, but also to fully bloom in the central regions of Russia, not to mention the warmer regions. In order for the experiment to grow tigridia to be successful, the following rules should be adhered to when planting:

  1. For planting tigridii are the most lighted areas, reliably sheltered from the wind. Of course, even in the penumbra it is capable of actively developing and blossoming, but its stems become excessively fragile and break down under the weakest gusts of the wind.
  2. If we talk about the composition of the soil, then for the tigridium the lungs, which pass through water and air, loose fertile soils, are most suitable. Like other bulbous, tigridia does not tolerate stagnation of water, so it is better not to plant it in the lowlands.
  3. There are two ways of planting tigridia: bulbs and seeds. But the bulbs of tigridia are fastidious enough to the temperature regime, the slightest fluctuations of which lead to delays in their development. Therefore, it is more expedient to spend time on growing tigridia seedlings. To do this, in late February - early March, the seeds of tigridia should be planted in small containers filled with universal seedlings or a mixture of turf, peat and sand. To sow the seeds of tigridia follows superficially, distributing them on the surface of the earth with a wooden rod for a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Then the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and sent for germination in a warm place. The only care that is necessary for seedlings of tigridia is the timely moistening of the soil. In the flower garden, the obtained seedlings can be transplanted in late May - early June.
  4. Tigridia bulbs in the open ground can be planted only when the risk of sudden temperature changes passes by. To do this, make holes in the bed with a depth of 8-10 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. The wells are moistened abundantly, and then the seed is placed there and neatly covered with earth. To accelerate the onset of flowering, bulbs can be pre-ejected at home. For forcing, the bulb is planted at the end of March in a light substrate, and for several weeks practiced abundant lower watering.
  5. Care for tigridia is simple enough and includes: regular watering, loosening and mulching of soil , and periodic feeding. In addition, as fading, it is necessary to remove faded stems to stimulate the formation of new buds.

Wintering tigridia

Since tigridia belongs to very heat-loving plants, winter frosts are destructive for it. Therefore, leave it is absolutely unacceptable for the winter in the open ground. But at the same time, it is necessary to correctly guess the moment when it is worth digging out the tigrid for wintering, because the unseen bulb does not survive the winter. Usually tigridy dig in late September - early October. The signal to this is the complete dying off of the leaves of the plant. But if there was a sudden cold snap, and the leaves are still green, then the bulbs are dug along with the clod of earth and in this form is transferred to the room. When the ground part completely withers, the ground must be carefully cleaned, and the bulbs placed in a box with sand or peat, where they will be successfully stored until the onset of spring.