Sweet pepper seedling

Experienced horticulturists know firsthand about the careful attitude of the sweet pepper seedling. It is undesirable to dive, as the root system of the plant is very weak and easily damaged. However, if you planted seeds in small containers and at the same time too thickly, picking can not be avoided. Let's find out how you can do this with the least loss.

Rules for picking pepper seedlings

The most important thing is to competently select the timing of the picking for the sweet pepper seedlings. Ideally, this procedure should be carried out at the stage of slicing sprouts from cotyledons, at the latest - no later than the phase of appearance of the third present leaf. This occurs 14-20 days after emergence. A later pick will be traumatic for the plant.

It is also very important to be careful. It will be better if the picket sprouts of Bulgarian pepper will resemble transshipment, together with the clod of land in which it grew. It can be done in a different way, freeing the seedlings from the ground - in this case it is important to observe the following rules. First, you should control the location of the spine: it should not bend or twist counter-clockwise. To do this, plug the sprout into the ground, sprinkle it with earth and gently pull it out so that the root takes its optimal position. Secondly, one should not pinch the root, as in the case of tomato seedlings. The only exception is when the picking time was missed and the root turned out to be too long. But in this case, your plant can stop growing, and shortening the root here will not play a big role.

Now let's see if it's possible to deepen pepper seedlings during the picks. Some beginner farmers say this is undesirable, but this is a controversial issue. Many, on the contrary, plant seedlings deeply, sprinkling the earth almost to the cotyledonous leaves. Due to this seedling is less elongated, and on the stem will not be formed additional roots.