Where does persimmon grow?

The end of autumn would be quite bleak and dull, if not for the bright sunny fruits of persimmon, which abound in this period on the shelves of markets and shops. Thanks to this delicious treasury of vitamins, many of us, without the slightest loss of working capacity, are safely experiencing a difficult period of autumn flu. But not everyone can answer in the summer, where and in which countries the persimmon grows.

In which countries is persimmon growing?

The persimmon journey around the world began in China. Here, this fruit was appreciated for more than two millennia ago. Then the persimmon began to spread to other countries with a similar climate and today it is successfully grown not only in China, but also in Japan, most of the Mediterranean countries and some states of America. And what about the post-Soviet space, really it was bypassed by this most useful plant? Both in Russia and Ukraine the persimmon traditionally grows in those regions where the climatic conditions are close to the subtropical ones, that is, where it is warm and humid enough. So, most of the persimmons in the domestic counters are supplied from the mountain regions of the Caucasus. Unique conditions, ideal for growing this plant, nature has created on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. Experiments on the cultivation of this plant in the south of Ukraine and in the Crimea were no less successful. Of course, in many respects this was due to the efforts of breeders who created varieties of persimmons able to withstand losses without losses to -35 degrees.

Does the persimmon grow at home?

Fans of domestic crop production are probably interested in the question of whether it is possible to grow a personal tree of persimmons on its own window sill. Experience shows that employment is troublesome, but with the right approach it almost always succeeds:

The first thing to do is extract the seed from the fruit, that is, the seeds. It should be borne in mind that only persimmons are suitable for planting, which has not suffered from long-term exposure to cold. That is persimmon from the freezer for planting is not suitable unequivocally. The seeds extracted from the pulp should be gently washed with warm water and dried. To help them grow faster will help the treatment of any of the growth accelerators.

Prepared by all the rules, the seed is placed in a peat cup (pill) or a small pot with a nutritious light soil, deepening no more than 1.5-2 cm. Then the pot must be placed in a greenhouse environment by building a mini-greenhouse from a glass jar above it or plastic bag.

Before pecking out of the soil of the sprout, the pot with persimmon is kept in a warm place, occasionally ventilating the greenhouse and moistening the soil. As soon as a persimmon is pushed through, and this happens usually not later than two weeks after planting, the greenhouse is immediately removed.

Often a persimmon sprout appears from the ground with the remains of a seed on the end. If this hat is not removed, the sprout may die. Therefore, you should arm yourself with scissors or a needle and gently remove the remnants of the stone from the shoot. In case the bone is very tight, before removing it, it is necessary steaming, keeping some time in a moist environment.

If the germination was successful, the persimmon will begin to grow actively. And here it is very important not to miss the moment for transplantation, in fact it is necessary to transplant this plant very often - almost every two to three weeks, each time choosing a pot a little more than the previous one. The plant signals the need for transplantation by stopping growth and yellowing of the foliage.

In the summer persimmon will require intensive lighting, so the pot with it will need to be put on the balcony or on the street. And in the autumn it needs to organize a rest period, minimizing watering and sending it to a semi-dark cool place.