Types of women

By nature , life values, lifestyle, appearance, women are conventionally divided into several types. This classification helps, first of all, the opposite sex to find the points of contact with his lady of the heart.

Types of women by nature

  1. Business lady . In a century of equality between a man and a woman, many beauties rank first in the list of their life priorities. Of course, they are not strangers to creating comfort in the family, but they will not get any homework done. The main interests of women of this type, according to the teachings of psychology, is business. She is often in constant tension, it is her habit to enter someone to prove something. If we talk about social roles, then the business lady at work plays an excellent role of the boss, and in the home - a passionate lover. Often, these women feel comfortable next to successful men.
  2. The maternal personality type always marries. For such a girl is not important age of his wife. They are unaware of manifestations of jealousy and scandal. Everyone can learn from them a huge amount of patience and condescension for their chosen ones. A woman mother is, in a sense, a muse, an inspiration for her husband. It was thanks to her that her betrothed made a brilliant career.
  3. Predator . Cruelty, ruthlessness, leadership qualities - these are the main criteria that describe the nature of this type of women. They are talented in the ability to organize the material wealth of their families. In choosing a spouse they rely not on his intellectual and physical data, but on the ability to earn.
  4. A faithful friend . These women are too demanding towards themselves, and at a later age - also to their beloved. They acquire the family quite early. They are characterized by sincerity, loyalty , honesty.

Types of women by the seasons

What type of women do men like? What beauties do they turn after? Those who know how to choose the right colors, based on the time of the year to which they relate.

  1. Spring type has a thin skin, with a peach complexion, sometimes decorated with freckles. Hair pleases the eye with its honey-golden, beige color. Eyes - blue, light brown, gray-blue.
  2. Summer is characterized by a cold tone of the face (olive). Hair from shade of blond to brown. Eyes are nutty, gray-blue.
  3. Autumn type. Skin of golden hue. Green, brown, gray eyes. Hair color: from bright red to chestnut shade.
  4. Winter is characterized by light skin, dark hair and eye color, dark lashes and eyebrows.