Exercises for running

If a person does not just run for pleasure, then sooner or later he will have a question about how to increase speed. To achieve this goal, you will have to train hard, carrying out special exercises for fast running. The result depends on two important factors: the ability of the muscles to quickly relax and contract and the ability to make as many moves as possible in a short time.

Exercises to increase running speed

To begin with, it should be said that the running speed does not depend on the length of the step, since the frequency of the foot movement and the repulsive force from the support are important. To improve your speed abilities, it is important to first learn how to overcome large distances at the usual pace. Another secret from experienced athletes - during the race schedule for yourself a certain benchmark that will help increase speed.

Exercises for running speed:

  1. Interval running . First, the athlete runs slowly, and then, makes the maximum possible acceleration and again switches to slow running.
  2. Running through the skates . On many sports grounds, you can find a running simulator, which is a pairing of machine tires. It is possible for this exercise to run just chalk limiters. The task is to run as fast as possible by entering each cell. It is important to raise your legs in front of you.
  3. Shuttle run . Measure out the distance of about 5 m and set at the end and at the beginning of the distance a certain landmark, any object will do. The task is to run through the distance, touch the established landmark, go back, again touching the chosen object, and everything repeats again. The number of cycles can be from 5 to 10.
  4. Jumping . To improve the speed of running it is useful to perform different jumps , for example, in place, moving forward or sideways. You can jump on a rope, one leg, etc.