Floor on the balcony - which option is the best?

When deciding how to make a floor on the balcony, you need to consider the main factor: the warm or cold room you want to get as a result of repairs. In different conditions, the same coating will serve differently, so the choice of the finishing material has a number of characteristics.

Floor tie on the balcony

The floor leveling on the balcony has both an aesthetic side and is made for warming the surface, protecting it from any aggressive impact. To obtain high-quality floors, the best option for screeding on the balcony is the use of a cement-sand, concrete or dry mix. It is more expedient to use modern lightweight dry compositions based on gypsum with additives of foam plastic, they reduce the load on the balcony slab in contrast to cement compositions.

When choosing a floor screed on a balcony, consider the operating conditions and the degree of load. There are three main types of screed:

  1. Wet. It provides for filling with a cement-sand mixture. This kind is more durable and durable, but significantly increases the weight on the base.
  2. Dry. With this method, the floor is filled with loose materials (claydite, vermiculite, rubble), then plywood or plasterboard is laid. Dry screed allows you to hide the communications laid in it.
  3. Semi-dry. It differs from wet with a smaller content of water in the solution, so it is more durable, the hardening process occurs faster and without much dirt.

How to cover the floor on the balcony?

Approach to the solution of the question of what to make floor on the balcony, you need from a practical point of view, depending on the operating conditions. Temperature fluctuations, strong humidity, sunlight, and also the functional purpose of this room - all this affects the choice of finishing material. For an open, non-glazed balcony, some types of coatings will be unacceptable, for insulated rooms, fit almost any decoration materials:

Wooden floor on the balcony

Floor on the balcony of the boards can be recommended for closed types of premises, it is light, warm, its load on the supporting structures is small. To floor on the balcony lasted a long time, it is better to choose the following types of wood:

You should not choose pine or linden as a wood for a balcony floor, they rot quickly. The floor made of boards must be treated with special means designed for wood protection, then paint or open with varnish, this will serve not only to improve the appearance, but also will create protection against negative, atmospheric influences.

Tile on the balcony on the floor

Choose a tile on the balcony on the floor is better frost-resistant, thin, having a light weight. Tiles - the material is beautiful, but cold, it is advisable to use it as a coating on heated floors. It is able to withstand high humidity, the floor with this finish is practical and externally attractive. When choosing a material, pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. The quality of modern ceramic or clinker tiles is higher than tiled. Due to low temperature or high humidity, these types of tiles will not crack or break.
  2. Rough surface. Being less slippery, it will reliably ensure your safety.
  3. Strength class. Experts do not recommend the use of tiles of low, first class, it is short-lived. For closed types of premises is sufficient second and third class, for uninsulated balconies - it is better to purchase a stronger fourth or fifth class.

Filling the floor on the balcony

To pour the floor on the balcony, experts recommend using special dry mixes with the addition of cement. The floor can serve as a basis for finishing, and be used as an independent coating. The flooring on the balcony by the pouring method is simple and longevity, it is possible to use modern liquid polymers forming a thick and strong protective layer. The aesthetic appeal of the jellied floor is low, but at any time you can change the color of the floor, refresh it using paint.

Cork floor on the balcony

Reflecting on the fact that to lay on the floor on the balcony, consider a variant of the cork cover, which possesses a number of excellent performance qualities, is deservedly popular. Advantages of this type of flooring include:

  1. The porosity of the material, preventing accumulation of moisture, putrefaction, the formation of mold, fungal attack.
  2. Excellent sound and heat insulation qualities.
  3. High class of fire resistance, fire safety.
  4. A variety of designs, a large selection of wood textures.
  5. Ease of installation.

This type of floor finishing can be used on a glass balcony, which is protected from atmospheric precipitation. The plug reacts negatively to temperature changes, especially if natural materials were used in its production. Cork slabs are not cheap, so treat these floors carefully, their soft structure is afraid of excessive loads, damage by sharp objects.

Floor on the balcony - laminate

Choosing which material to use for the floor on the balcony, some owners allow themselves as a coating - laminate , provided that the balcony is qualitatively glazed and moisture is not inside. Applying a laminate as a finishing floor material, it is necessary to place a heat-insulating layer under it, otherwise it will crumble. The base under it is perfectly leveled.

Laminate, installed on the floor on the balcony, choose a strong, not lower than 31 class, and in some cases (with insufficient insulation of the balcony) choose 33 class, it has a firm resistance to fluctuations in temperature and moisture. The advantages of this material are:

  1. Variety of design, colors, multiple versions of imitation (stone, wood, parquet, tiles).
  2. Do not spoil from exposure to ultraviolet light.
  3. Easy to install, wear-resistant.
  4. Can tolerate increased load without deforming.
  5. Resistant to fire.

Floor to the balcony - linoleum

The floor on the balcony, trimmed with linoleum, looks homely and attractive in the home. When deciding the question, what to lay the floor on the balcony, many people are guided by such criteria:

  1. Practicality of the material, its durability and long service life.
  2. Aesthetic appearance and a variety of design options.
  3. Easy maintenance of the floor covering.
  4. Low price.

All these requirements are met if the finishing material is linoleum. When choosing it, give preference to a species with a higher endurance indicator, which means that it will have a longer service life. Under linoleum necessarily lay the heat-insulating layer, using for this purpose mineral wool, polystyrene or chipboard. Linoleum lay on the floor in one piece, avoiding joints in the coating, so you exclude the possibility of wicking the moisture under it.

How to insulate the floor on the balcony?

Up to 20% of the heat, even on a balcony with high-quality insulated walls and a window opening, is lost through the floor, this point should be given special attention. Insulation is chosen taking into account:

  1. Technical condition of the room, integrity and strength of structures and ceilings.
  2. Local climatic features, humidity level.
  3. Characteristics of used decorating materials.

The various heaters offered by the construction market can be both traditional and new, modern with improved technical characteristics. To the past the test can be attributed such insulation:

Warming of the balcony floor with foam, modern heat insulation means, one of the most reliable. Penoplex is a tile material that is fixed to the base with special, plastic screws. Penokleksovye plates are interconnected by means of locks (groove-spike), which eliminates the formation of gaps, joints are poured into the joints.

Underfloor heating on the balcony

A well-equipped balcony with a warm floor will be an excellent additional room. To understand which floor on the balcony is better, you need to familiarize yourself with various solutions and installation systems:

  1. Electric floor. For installation, cables, mats or a special infrared heating film are used.
  2. Water floor. For it, a water circuit system is installed.

With a water system, uniform heating of the surface is ensured, while electricity is saved. The disadvantage is the impossibility of regulating the heating temperature. The electric floor on the balcony is more common, it is easier to install and operate. To arrange on the floor of the heated floor, first eliminate the presence of cracks and looseness, as getting moisture will negatively affect the operation of the system.

Electric underfloor heating on the balcony

If we make a floor on a balcony with electric heating, then there are two options for using a heating element:

  1. Heating mats. The system is safe, the thickness of the floor increases minimally. It is a grid with cords attached to it in the form of snakes, at a distance of 5 cm from each other. The main convenience of the method is that the mat can be cut into fragments, in connection with the layout of the balcony.
  2. Cable system. More suitable and common, it is used on balconies of any configuration, the cable is easy to bend and give it any shape.

Infrared floor heating on the balcony

Infra-red floor on the balcony is equipped with a flexible ultra-thin film, sold in rolls. For use on the balcony is more cost-effective and easy to install. Rapid heating, low power consumption, safety - this is a list of its main advantages. When laying, no additional equipment is required, you just need to lay the sheets on the floor and fix it with adhesive tape.

Floor on the open balcony

On the open balcony for floor design, only materials intended for exterior decoration are used. More often such variants are used:

  1. Ceramic or ceramic tiles. Does not react to temperature drop, sunlight, moisture, has a large range of products.
  2. The terrace board. Resistant to rot and moisture, light, durable and aesthetically attractive.
  3. Concrete floors. For the decor, you can use weatherproof type of paint, in 2-3 layers apply it on concrete. The floor thickness on the balcony is 2-4 cm, while it is durable and wear-resistant. The method is not expensive, but also not practical, every 2-3 years the painting is done anew.