Sexual maturation in girls

Until recently your baby was funny and touching. You watched with tenderness as he takes the first steps, goes to the garden, school, going through the first successes and disappointments. And so your child grew up, and strange things begin to happen to him - yesterday's crumb becomes nervous, irritable, his mood constantly changes and changes in overall health are noted. It's all right, it's just that your child is no longer a kid, but a teenager who has entered the stage of puberty.

It is worth noting that the sexual maturation of boys and girls varies in terms. It's not a secret for anybody that girls start it earlier and therefore at a certain stage they are significantly ahead of boys in growth. And for both of them this important and responsible period in life takes about 5 years, but the most intensive process of maturation lasts 2 years.

Age limits of puberty in girls

The period of intensive puberty in girls lasts an average of two years and ends with the onset of the menstrual cycle. Most often, the onset of the puberty period is 11 years, and the first menstruation, respectively, at 13. But remember that there are no clear age limits and the onset of puberty in girls can occur between 9 and 15 years, which is quite normal. Most often it depends on individual characteristics and heredity - if the parents had some age deviation in one direction or another, most likely, the daughter will have a similar one. However, if the signs of puberty manifest too early - up to 8 years or they are not observed after 15, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, perhaps a hormonal adjustment is needed.

If you marked early sexual maturation of your girl, and she is much ahead of her developmental peers, special attention should be given to the psychological aspect - to explain to her that it is normal and natural and, possibly, to communicate with a teacher at school on how to avoid a child ridicule.

Signs of puberty in girls

  1. Growth . If before the beginning of puberty the girl grows on average by 2 cm per year and adds 2 kg, then with the onset of puberty, an increase in growth can be up to 10 cm, and in weight - up to 6 kg. At the same time, the girl has an unprecedented appetite, which is quite normal, because an intensively growing organism requires "building material". A normal phenomenon is also the appearance of a characteristic teenage "incoherence", angular movements. It is important to pay special attention to this aspect and explain to the little princess that this is a temporary phenomenon and in a year or a year and a half it will form and turn into a beauty. To support a girl is very important, because it is now that complexes can be born, which she will have to struggle with later.
  2. Growth of mammary glands . First, the nipples and halos increase, then, approximately during the first year of puberty, the breast acquires the shape of a cone, and then gradually becomes more rounded. A more feminine shape is acquired by the figure as a whole - the waist is outlined and the thighs are widened. On the legs, in the armpits and pubic hair growth begins.
  3. The appearance of a specific odor during sweating is one of the first signals of the onset of pubertal period. At this stage it is important to instill in the girl the norms of hygiene, so that such signs do not cause her discomfort.
  4. Problems with the skin , increased fat, the appearance of acne. Also quite normal phenomenon in adolescence, but this does not mean that you just need to wait until everything passes. Remember that girls in adolescence are especially sensitive to shortcomings in appearance, so mother's task is to teach proper care, help to find the means.
  5. The beginning of the menstrual cycle . Regardless of whether early puberty in girls or within normal limits, the first months are always stressful. Therefore, prepare the child for this in advance, so that it does not become an unpleasant surprise. Let the girl in the bag with about 9-10 years always lay the gasket, then this "epoch-making" event will not catch her unawares, for example, at school.