Floor Stand for TV

Progress marches into the interactive future with leaps and bounds. This statement applies to any process and technology, including televisions . Every year, or even a month, the diagonals of television screens increase in size, and their thickness proportionally decreases. This technique is not a luxury, but becomes available to an increasing number of consumers.

However, to buy the TV of your dreams is only half the battle. The next step is its optimal placement in the apartment. At this stage, you need to think about the stand. Today we will consider different options for choosing floorstand for TV.

How to choose a floor stand for TV?

So, how to choose a floor stand for TV. The first thing you need to pay attention to is that the stand in any case should be larger than the TV itself. This will help to avoid such troubles as involuntary falling. Firstly, nobody canceled laws of physics, and secondly you or your children can accidentally touch the protruding edge of the TV set, and all equipment together with the floor stand will be turned upside down.

The next factor in choosing the dimensions of the floorstand under the TV is the aesthetic. More beautifully and harmoniously, the TV will look on the floor stand, which in its dimensions is larger than the screen diagonal. In virtual spaces, special literature or consultants, you can find out the recommended size ratio between the floor stand and the diagonal of the TV.

When choosing a stand under the TV it is very important to remember that you choose the stand for the TV. Designers advise not to overload this element of the interior with other things - books, magazines, pencil cases, etc. The floor stand for the TV should be harmoniously combined with all the other furniture that is in the room. This applies to both design and dimensions, and the material from which it is made. Also important is the correctness of the combination of the equipment itself with the stand. So, consider these issues in more detail.

Of the materials used in the production of floor stands for TV, you can find wood, MDF, particle board, aluminum, steel, glass , etc. The first factor in choosing the material is the matching of the style of the floor stand to the TV with the general style of the interior in the room. If all the furniture that is in the room is made of their glass and metal, then the wooden floor stand under the TV in this room will look extremely ridiculous.

The next important factor is the combination of technology with the stand. It is important to remember this rule: silver hardware looks better on a black board or glass, and black on a light or transparent glass. Bad, when the floor stand under the TV completely merges with the technology that is on it. Agree that in light dusk conditions, black equipment without indicators of light on black furniture is difficult to find. Wooden floor stand for TV in this regard is universal, both for silver technology, and for black. In any case, this color scheme will look decent.

Wide floor stand for TV can be versatile in its use. When you do not closely tie the size of the stand to the size of the TV, and the room's footage allows you to clear out, you can safely choose a stand more authentic. Since there are no guarantees that tomorrow you do not want to buy a TV with an even larger diagonal, and the stand you already have and in all respects suits you. After all, progress in the technical plane of life is developing much faster than furniture progress. And if your TV in a year seems to you to be "backward" from fashion, then the stand will be "in the trend".