Ajna chakra

The Ajna chakra is the sixth according to the account, located in the center of the forehead, where, according to philosophical ideas, the third eye should be located. In translation from Sanskrit its name means "control center". She has two colors: purple and indigo. This chakra symbolizes a special pattern: a circle of heavenly color decorated with two large petals of the lotus, inside of which is an image of two human feet. The stem of the chakra departs from this circle. The 6th chakra ajna is associated with such profound notions as possession, inspiration , awareness, spirituality, perfection.

Ajna chakra: where is it?

The sixth chakra is the penultimate chakra, and it is one of the highest levels. The principle of this chakra is the realization of the essence of life. It corresponds to the energy of intuition and extrasensory communication. It is referred to the higher mental body, and on the physical level it corresponds to the nervous system, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the brain, the face and all its parts. The sound of this chakra is: "ham-ksham."

Ajna Chakra: Properties

This chakra is responsible for the most important systems and organs. Because of the imbalance, a variety of diseases occur, among which there are diseases of the ear, nose and sinuses, eye diseases, respiratory diseases, headaches, facial nerve diseases, nightmares.

The work of this chakra affects conscious perception and controls memory, will power and knowledge, allows you to connect to the subconscious, intuition. It gives balance to the hemispheres of the brain, harmonizing emotions and mind.

The development of the ajna chakra makes one want to be harmonious, not to seek struggle, but to accept the world as a multi-faceted and joyful one. Man becomes creative, he wants to become perfect, and he no longer cares about ordinary life with the accumulation of material values.

Ajna chakra: discovery

If you are thinking about how to open the ajna chakra, first start a small test. You will need a second person. The process is simple: the examiner puts the thumbs of the subject above the eyebrows in such a way that they form the second row of eyebrows. The other fingers are spread out on the sides so that the little fingers lie behind the holes in the ears. The forehead is stroked along the eyebrows from the middle. If a subject has visions, he is ready to activate the ajna chakra. If not, it will be necessary to work long and hard on the techniques.

It is better to start the chakra opening at night or in the evening - the morning is not suitable for this. Daily lessons should be given 20 minutes. So, your actions:

Working out the area of ​​the third eye

Take a comfortable pose, preferably a lotus. Your face must look to the north or east. Rub the area of ​​the third eye with the bone of the second joint of the right thumb with simple movements up and down.

Technique of breathing

All 20 minutes you need to control your breathing. First, learn it, and notice already start everything else. It is necessary to inhale and exhale the same long time. For convenience, imagine a pendulum, evenly moving in both directions. Time is not important, but the breath should be deep and convenient for you, as well as exhalation.

When you have mastered this simple technique, learn and more difficult. The task is to get a continuous method of breathing, smoothing the transitions from inspiration to exhalation and back again. It is important to have the highest degree of concentration.


Relax your face, eyes and all parts of your body consistently. This will cause the flow of blood to the head and will give a feeling of pulsation in the area of ​​the third eye.

Eye position

The eyes should be closed and pointing upwards, as if from the inside you are looking at the massaged and pulsating point. Soon you must see visions - do not look for meaning in them. If you want to get out of this state, change the position of the body.

Opening the third eye is quite dangerous. Together with clairaudience and clairvoyance, you will begin to feel all the pain and injustice of the modern world, and not everyone is able to bear this cross.