Flowers in the house by Feng Shui - the meaning of houseplants

Living plants bring people aesthetic pleasure and joy. Direct influence on the energy of man is provided by flowers in the house, by Feng Shui (ancient Chinese teaching) to harmonize the atmosphere in the dwelling and create a favorable microclimate in it, green representatives of the flora are selected and placed in a certain way.

Flowers for home well-being by Feng Shui

Green plants are living organisms, their biofield with the correct arrangement of pots in space can balance and strengthen different aspects of people's lives. Of great importance in them is the shape, size of the stems, leaves and the color of the inflorescences. To get maximum positive energy from space, it is better to pick up houseplants for home by feng shui, at home one should keep specimens that stretch and grow upwards. They activate a positive aura. Plants with round, neat leaves will bring peace and tranquility to the room.

Live flowers in the house on Feng Shui

According to the types of energy released, all plants are divided into specimens with male aura and pointed leaves (Yang) and female with round (Yin).

  1. The first include dracaena, asparagus , chlorophytum, sansevera , citrus. They direct the movement of energy and grow straight up.
  2. Female flowers in the house on feng shui - violet, money tree, cyclamen, begonia.

To create a favorable microclimate and balance in a dwelling, it is recommended to have Yang and Yin plants.

Flowers on the windowsill are feng shui capable of filtering negative energy coming from the outside and saturating the house with a positive. Southern windows are better to force a geranium with pink or red inflorescences, on the northern window sill the cactus will feel great. The pomegranate tree, located on the western window, will breathe life into the relationships of the spouses. There, the established white chrysanthemum or lily will help realize the creative potential of the household, find a common language with the children.

Flowers in the bedroom by feng shui is not recommended to be kept near the bed. Many plants in this room can not be used, they saturate it with Yan energy, which can affect the relationship of spouses. Flowers for the kitchen on feng shui is better to pick with light shades of twigs, with round leaves - geranium , violets or begonia, you can use fruit-bearing varieties. For the ampel design Ivy or Tradescantia is suitable.

The most optimal flowers for a children's room are feng shui - citrus fruits, ferns, chlorophytum, cyclamen , Chinese rose. They purify the air and improve memory, brain work and the emotional state of the child. But the cactus, yucca, diffenbachia or monster have heavy energy for babies, nightshade, oleander, spurge are poisonous and can cause allergies.

Artificial flowers by Feng Shui in the apartment

From the point of view of this science, all the plants in the house are a positive symbol. Exclude in the house only dried and poisonous specimens. Dried plants are considered vampires, which absorb energy. Artificial flowers in the house on feng shui have a positive biofield, they can be placed in areas in which a living specimen is not recommended. These places include areas near fire or water - there the plant can die.

It is also believed that the putrefactive processes occurring in pots, badly affect the sleeping person, therefore, according to the Chinese teaching in the bedroom, the living flora is used in a limited way. Decorative flowers can be placed in the bathroom by feng shui, or at the head of the bed, in the kitchen near the work surface. The most powerful plants that bring harmony and happiness to owners are lotus, chrysanthemum, peony, magnolia and orchid.

Flowers on Feng Shui in the picture

According to this doctrine, drawings on the wall are portals that let in the house positive energy. Garden, mountain, forest, indoor flowers on feng shui can be depicted in pictures, they will attract harmony and happiness. Each plant has a secret meaning:

To place paintings with flowers in the house on feng shui is recommended on the southwest wall of the apartment. If you need to establish relationships between spouses - the image needs to be hung in the bedroom, to improve mutual understanding between the households - into the living room, to achieve success at work - to use the office. What area of ​​life needs improvement, that picture is placed in that room.

The meaning of colors on feng shui

Indoor plants are capable of beneficially acting on the health of residents - can improve mood, relieve headache, fatigue. The best flowers for the house on feng shui clean the energy of the home, protect it from negative influences. In order for the plant to have a beneficial effect on people and space, it is necessary to choose the right green friend, to determine his place and provide care.

Flower of azalea - its meaning by feng shui

This plant is the best donor, it gives energy to creativity and creativity. With the syndrome of constant fatigue, you need to know what flowers on feng shui in the house support the energy of vivacity. Azalea will help restore strength, restore inspiration to those who move all day like a sleepy fly. It develops sensitivity to people, awakens the ability to love. Azalea's aroma is moist and light, it helps to concentrate the mind and purify thoughts. At the level of physiology, it regulates the work of the heart, chest organs and blood circulation. To azalea took root in the house, it must be surrounded with care.

Guzmania - the value of the flower by feng shui

This is a juicy-green plant with thin long leaves and a bright rosette. Guzmania helps to raise the mood of the owners, protects against depression, improves well-being. Such flowers in the apartment on Feng Shui should be located in the south-western or eastern sector. They help create a peaceful atmosphere in the family, normalize relations, shades of red will help to maintain a sense of love among the spouses. Yellow guzmania will attract good luck and

financial opportunities. By placing a diploma next to a green friend, you can get recognition of your professional activities.

Callas - the value of the flower by Feng Shui

Each plant in Chinese teaching - a kind of talisman for the house and family members. To find powerful protection against evil forces and diseases, women use flowers of calla white and yellow, meaning of feng shui in them - a guardian of family happiness. They help to create a successful marriage, they are a symbol of beauty and youth. Calla helps to resist despondency and stress, to create and act, regardless of the circumstances. Magic properties are not only the living flower itself, but also its image. It is appropriate to use it in clothes, hang a picture at the entrance to the house.

Indoor flower reddened - the value of Feng Shui

The famous money tree is considered to be an energetically strong plant in Chinese teaching. Crassula improves the financial situation of the owners of the house, brings them happiness and luck. It is better to arrange such flowers on the windowsill, feng shui for the growth of financial well-being is the responsibility of the south-eastern sector of the apartment. It is recommended to grow a tree from the handle itself, so that it feels the owner's care, absorbed the energy of the house. Decorate it can be coins, red ribbons, the pot set on a purple napkin coloring with the hieroglyphics of wealth.

Flower of plumeria by Feng Shui

This amazing paradise beauty is a tropical tree with an exquisite smell. Aromatic flowers in it are white-yellow and crimson with petals of the correct oval shape. The plant is considered a tree of life and a symbol of immortality, in Hawaii and Thailand it is often planted near temples, where it is more popular than lotus and orchids. Such home flowers on feng shui is better located in the southern corner of the apartment, you can use for this bedroom sill. In addition to paradise beauty and wonderful aroma, the tree has a strong energy, helps the owners to maintain their health and gives longevity.

Flower nemanthus by feng shui

This is an unusual shrub from Brazil. In the sinuses of the mantle (hypocorti) in dense dark green leaves, original orange buds are formed, similar to a goldfish. Such flowers in the apartment on feng shui are considered healers for other plants. Near the non-mutant, even sick relatives begin to recover. On human hypocorticus has the most favorable effect - takes away the negative emotions, and in return gives peace of mind, helps to achieve financial well-being. The main thing is to provide the plant with proper care so that it is in a healthy state.

To create a favorable atmosphere, you need live flowers in the house, according to Feng Shui, any plant has its own energy. Knowing the impact of each variety on a person and the surrounding space, the ability to properly compose a phytodesign and arrange the specimens in the right places will help to block the negative impact of some green flora representatives and saturate the home with a positive, reach the harmony of the soul. To the flower showed all its strength, you need to establish it in the right place, show caring and love for him, speak good words, thank for help.