Why does the child's death?

The death of a child is probably the worst thing that can happen in a person's life. Such a plot in a dream also leaves behind a feeling of panic and emotions. Do not pre-adjust to the negative, and first properly explain the dream. To make the information accurate, try to remember the basic details and the emotions experienced. It is important to take into account that many dream books offer decodings that differ from each other, so we should draw an analogy between them and reality events.

Why does the child's death?

Often this dream is a reflection of the existing experiences about his life, perhaps he got involved in a bad company or at the moment is far away from you. To see the death of a child in a dream after a long illness is a recommendation that it is worth taking a closer look at his health, since it is better to prevent the disease than to overcome it. Otherwise, the death of the child is a symbol of good health and a long life. Death of your own son is a warning about a serious quarrel. Another such dream can be taken for advice, that you need to reconsider your relationships with children and find common points of contact. To dream of the death of another child, then in the future will have to be disappointed in close people. Another such dream can be a harbinger of an unexpected pregnancy.

In one of the dream books, the death of a child in a dream is an omen of the birth of new ideas. In addition, we will have to reconsider our own views on life and re-prioritize in a new way. There is also other information that says that the deceased child indicates not the implementation of the planned plans. The dream where the death of one's own child occurred is a warning that he may have problems in life, for example, this may involve studying or health. Try to give more time to the child in order to provide him with the necessary support. If a child comes to life after death, this is a good sign, which promises an unexpected fascinating journey .

The interpretation of dreams about the death of a child depends on how it happened. If he was killed, then it is worth preparing for impending problems and losses. When such a dream is seen by a childless woman, this is an indication that she is not ready to have a child. To find out the corpse of a baby in the river, means, it is necessary to expect troubles that can arise in any sphere.