Polyps in the uterus - symptoms

The inner membrane of the uterine cavity, called the endometrium, is subject to cyclic hormonal changes. When hormonal disorders occur, polyps may form during the growth of the mucosa. Earlier, the cause of appearance of outgrowths were considered, childbirth, abortion and other diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity. However, now doctors agree that the formation of polyps is associated with an increased level of estrogen in the reproductive age, during the menopause - it is a hormonal imbalance. Less often, polyps are provoked by chronic inflammatory processes.

It is important to note that the polyps that appear in the cervical canal are called polyps of the cervical canal .

Symptoms of the endometrial polyp of the uterus

It is difficult to diagnose the appearance of the polyp of the uterine cavity, relying on the symptoms of the disease. Often they are:

The list of the above signs of the polyp in the uterus and its neck can be called quite arbitrary. Since this symptomatology is characteristic of many other diseases of the female reproductive system. In addition, often the appearance of the endometrial polyps of the uterus does not show any symptoms.

In this regard, the main method of diagnosing an outgrowth applicable in modern medicine is ultrasound examination of a gynecologist and hysteroscopy.

Classification and consequences of polyps

The composition of polyps differ:

Although polyps are considered to be benign formations, it is not necessary to leave them without due attention. Since the absence of treatment for a polyp in the uterus can not only annoy your symptoms, but also cause serious violations. Such as:

Methods for treating polyps

Timely diagnosis and proper treatment are extremely necessary for this disease. Due to various factors, as well as the general condition of the sexual system of women, a method of treatment is determined.

In general, hormone therapy is used and more radical methods are scraping and removal by hysterectomy.

  1. Treatment of polyps with medicines consists in the use of hormonal drugs, but in rare cases is effective, in connection with the appearance of relapses after discontinuation of admission.
  2. Scraping the uterine cavity is an extreme surgical technique. It is carried out under general anesthesia. During the operation, the inner lining of the uterus is completely removed by special tools. Most often the method is applicable for recurrent polyps, with a high risk of turning into a cancerous tumor, also with heavy bleeding caused by the polyp.
  3. The most common method of treating outgrowths is to remove them using hysteroscopy. The operation is quick and painless. It is carried out by introducing a hysteroscope into the uterine cavity.
  4. There is another radical method that is used in cases where tests have shown the presence of cancer cells - this is a complete removal of the uterus.