Focal epilepsy

Focal epilepsy is a violation of blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain.

Causes of focal epilepsy

Most often, epilepsy occurs in children, but can occur throughout life, for the following reasons:

Focal seizures of epilepsy

Epileptic lesions can occur in different parts of the brain:

This pathology is divided into species.

Cryptogenic focal epilepsy and what is it?

This disease is associated with cerebral disorders. To date, the exact cause is not clear, but epilepsy can be due to heredity and the above listed causes. Attacks are sudden and can be different, depending on which area of ​​the brain the lesion has occurred.

Symptomatic focal epilepsy

This species is the most common and accounts for 71% of patients with epilepsy. Its manifestations also depend on the affected area of ​​the brain. For patients with symptomatic focal epilepsy, the prognosis is very favorable. Drug treatment has a positive effect, and in some cases of occipital defeat operative treatment is applied and in 70% it is effective, and even of them approximately 30% of patients almost completely stop seizures.

Idiopathic focal epilepsy

This is a special form of childhood epilepsy. It is accompanied by pseudogeneralized attacks and the absence of cognitive impairment. A good outlook for a favorable outcome.

With each separate type of epilepsy, the doctor prescribes a suitable set of medications. Therapy usually includes a comprehensive impact on the problem. And also a balanced and proper nutrition to restore the cells of the brain.