Hypertrophy of the tonsils

Hypertrophy of the tonsils is mainly found in children 10-12 years old. The disease is associated with the fact that at this age most actively grow lymphoid tissues. In adulthood, tonsils are usually formed, but not necessarily. Therefore, sometimes older patients suffer from hypertrophy.

Why develop different degrees of hypertrophy of the tonsils?

Tonsils perform a protective function in the body. They consist of a lymphoid tissue that does not let pass viruses and bacteria. Usually, together with the end of the puberty period, the number of cells forming the tonsils decreases or vanishes. But sometimes there are exceptions to the rules.

Hypertrophy of the first, second or third degree tonsils is very often observed in adults who regularly get sick. If the diseases are dumped too often, the lymphoid tissue begins to grow gradually - in order to rebuff the pathogens.

The main reasons also include:

There are several tonsils in the human body. But the most "problematic" are the palatine and nasopharyngeal.

Hypertrophy of nasopharyngeal tonsils

The increase in nasopharyngeal tonsils is the cause of adenoids. More precisely, this is the adenoids. You can not see them with the naked eye. They are located just behind the nose closer to the central part of the skull.

There are several degrees of hypertrophy:

  1. With adenoids of the first degree, the lymphoid tissues slightly cover the upper part of the opener.
  2. The second degree is characterized by the closure of 2/3 of the posterior part of the nasal septum.
  3. With hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsils of the third degree, the vomer space is completely closed. A person can not breathe freely and does it through the mouth.

Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils

With hypertrophy the palatine tonsils do not become inflamed, but in size they increase significantly:

  1. At the first degree, the lymphoid tissues occupy no more than 1/3 of the distance from the line of pharynx to the palatal arches.
  2. Hypertrophy of the second degree is diagnosed when the tonsils cover more than 2/3 of the space.
  3. The growth of lymphoid tissues at the third degree can be seen with the naked eye. You can clearly see how the tonsils touch or even grow one on top of another.